Scene 27 and 28. I got nothing of interest to put here.

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  • Dedicated to Hannah


Group burst out of the building to find it surrounded by fan-girls and zombies.

Jamie: Oh shoot.

Carter: they’re everywhere.

Mel: But the fight was round the block.

Patrick: We can’t make it to the next building.

Mel: Run?

Jamie: Run.

Group run away from the fight and the buildings.


Group are gathered around a campfire, Carter asleep.

Jamie: Guys, Carter’s holding us back.

Mel: agreed. He keeps thinking we can fight zombies, or use words that don’t exist, like abnomally.

Patrick: I think we should leave him here, while he’s sleeping.

Mel: I think so too.

Jamie: Isn’t that a bit cruel?

Patrick: we left Jack to die in a puddle of honey, and we had no problems with that.

Mel: And we let Jack shoot Carl, and we let Carl shoot Mary.

Patrick: and we shot Peter for calling Katy Perry hot

Mel: Not to mention we let Laura sacrifice her life for us, without trying to stop her.

Jamie: We’re horrible!

Patrick: We kind of have to be. We’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Mel: yeah, and if we want to save the world we’re going to have to ditch Carter.

Jamie: Why?

Patrick: Because to save the world we need to give the zombies Justin Bieber and Nikki Minaj, and Carter would just shoot them straight away.

Mel: I don’t blame him, but we can’t afford to take that risk with him.

Jamie: okay. (stands up) Let’s leave him.

Patrick and Mel stand up, leaving Carter still asleep, and the trio walk off. Not long afterwards Carter wakes up, to find that he’s surrounded by zombies.

Carter: Oh you’ve got to be joking.

Zombie 1: Get him.

Zombies converge on Carter, eating him.

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