Scene 8 and 9 - Pancakes and plans

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News reporter: We interrupt this program with an important update. Today, the world’s largest pancake record has been broken.

News reporter is fighting off zombies as he presents the news. Suddenly Laurie-Zombie appears out of nowhere and fights news reporter. News Reporter dies.


Mary: We need a plan.

Carl: We already have a plan.

Jack: But that was before Laurie died

Mary: Yeah. So now we need a new plan.

Carl: Just have the same plan, but without Laurie.

Peter: Uh, Laurie dying was part of the plan!

Carl: What?!

Peter: Yeah, it says here, in the script, that Laurie dies...

Jack: There’s a script?

Peter: Yeah, was I the only one who read the script?

All mutter excuses

Mary: Well, what do we do next?

Peter: I don’t know. The script ends here.

Jack: what? Why?

Peter: The author’s lazy. She didn’t continue.

Camera turns to director.

Jack: Are you serious?!

Director: She had an English essay due in. (Director shrugs) It took priority.

Mary: What do we do now? There’s no script!

Jack: I guess we just improvise.

Carl: Improvise?

Peter: Sounds good. I vote we find food!

Jack: Is that all you ever think about? Food?

Peter: Pretty much.

Mary: Come on, let’s go look for food then.


Once again I put the two scenes together because one was short. 

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