Scene 6 & 7 - the zombies can't take the 'music,' Laurie fights off the fans!

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Zombies shuffling slowly towards a house blasting music – Nicki Minaj.

Zombies: (out of sync) Gah! Brains!

Zombies stumble towards house, collapsing as the music gets louder.


All in Jack’s house, Peter keeping watch by the window.

Peter: The zombies are approaching!

Jack: Good. Let’s get going. We can’t stay here much longer.

Carl: Those aren’t zombies! Those are fan girls!

Peter: Eh. Both are brain dead.

Laurie: Why can’t we stay here Jack?

Peter: Yeah, there’s plenty of food here. So why don’t we stay?

Mary: Isn’t it obvious? Jack’s house has too many pop artists CDs. It’s a prime target for the zombies.

Jack: (creeped out) How do you know that?


Jack: You’ve never been to my house before...

Mary: Well...Carl told me!

Jack turns to Carl

Carl: Your sister told me.

Jack: I don’t have a sister...

Peter: Uhm...Well, this is awks.

Laurie: OMG! (Literally, O M G, not Oh my God) It’s a Bieber fan!

All scream. Laurie shoots fan in the head.

Peter: Well you took care of that awfully quick...

Jack: We should probably go now... In case there are more  of them.

All shudder. Peter conveniently finds a video camera.

Peter: Hey Jack, is this a video camera?

Jack: Yeah. Leave it there.

Laurie: No way! We can use it to make a video journal!

Mary: Great idea!

Carl: Cool!  Let’s get going! I can see more fans approaching!

Laurie: Shoot. Look, guys, I’m not going to be much help. You guys go on without me, I’ll keep the fans at bay.

Rest of the group: ok! (run off without her)

Laurie: Hey! You’re supposed to say no man gets left behind, or something like that!

Laurie turns to the fan girls, arming herself. Kills many, ends up lying in the street surrounded by fans, ridiculed, with a Bieber top forced on. Fans leave, and zombies approach.


I decided to put Scene 6 in with Scene 7 as scene 6 was a bit short, and the video journal might be written out. Who knows? :)

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