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Guys, I'm seriously so excited for this. I have SO many good ideas and I CANNOT WAIT for you guys to find out! From Kaede secretly being a pervert to Kaito and Kokichi's antics, I've got a lot coming! But before that...let's check in with Chihiro and Mondo, hm?

"Oh god I can't even SLEEP!" Mondo jumped onto his bed, the springs squeaking mixed in with his childish giggles. "I CANNOT WAIT! THEY'RE COMING TOMORROW, CHIHIRO!"

"Y-Yes, even so...you need to...*yawn*...sleep..." I yawned and turned to him tiredly, my eyes adjusting from my computer screen.

"Hey...what are you doing?" He got up and walked over to me, and my eyes widened as I shut my laptop closed and hugged it closed.

"N-No! You can't..." I mumbled, staring up at him fearfully as I hugged it tightly.

"What? What is it?" He looked confused, then smirked. "What, you watchin' porn or something?"

"No!" I squealed. "That's disgusting!"

He shrugged.

"Everyone's done it. Now LET ME SEE!" He wormed his fingers under my arms and started to wiggle them, which just caused me to tense up even MORE.

"No! Mondo! Stoahahahap it!" I giggled wildly, hugging the computer tighter.

"Come ooon. I'm not going to stop until you give it to meee." He teased.

"Ok, ohohohok!" He stopped.

I breathed heavily as I sat up.

I stared at him and pouted.

"Don't laugh." I mumbled.

"I won't!" His eyes were wide.

I slowly opened my computer and showed him the mostly blank document screen I had been typing on.

"Hello, my name is Chihiro Fujisaki. Nice to meet you. I am the Ultimate Pro-Is this a script?" Mondo looked at me, puzzled.

"Yes." I mumbled, my cheeks red as I stared down into my lap.

"Ohhh, I see. Your nervous about meeting the newbies that are coming tomorrow?" He asked me.


"Well, pfff! Pfff!" He waved his hand dismissively. "You shouldn't be worried about that! THEY should be the ones that are nervous! Coming to a new school, after all..."

"Yeah...I guess your right. I shouldn't be worrying about it...a-after all, you'll be with me...right?" I asked him, and he bit his lip and looked away.

"A-Actually, Chihiro...I think you should do it by yourself. It will be good practice for you." He said gently.

"W-What?" I croaked. "I-I don't think I can-"

He gripped my arms and stared at me.

"You CAN. I believe in you. Ok, babe?" He gave me a crooked smile that melted me.

"Ok..." I sighed. "I...I think I can do it."

He grinned at me.

"That's my girl! Now, let's get some sleep. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow!" He said excitedly, and jumped back into his bed.

"Yeah." I smiled at him and turned off my computer, setting it on the dresser next to me.

"Goodnight, Chi."

"Goodnight, Mon."

"Chihiro...wake up, sweetie..." I woke up to Mondo standing above me, poking my cheek.

"W-What...time is it?" I asked groggily, squinting up at him.

"9:00 in the morning." He said gently.

I assessed him; he was dressed, his eyes wide awake.

"I'm going to go meet everyone. When I come back, it's your turn. Ok, sweetie?" He smoothed back my hair and smiled at me, pecking me on the cheek. "See you."

He left, closing the door behind him while I sat up and stretched, yawning.

I opened up my laptop and watched my favorite anxiety-ridder anime...Squid Girl.

I looked up when I saw the door open, and took out my earbuds.

"Oh...hey." I said tiredly, and he grinned at me.

"O. M. G. You will not BELIEVE the things I learned about these people! Ok, so-" He stared at me, puzzled. "Chihiro. You're not even dressed."

"Y-Yeah...about that...I was thinking..." I shut off my laptop and set it on the dresser. "Maybe I could do that tomorrow?"

He sighed, shaking his head and walking towards me.

"No can do, baby. You know you'll drag this on forever." He stood over me as I shyly gripped the covers.

He smirked at me.

"You just need a little...motivation, that's all." He reached down and grabbed me, lifting me into his arms.

"W-Wait, Mondo! This is embaressing!" I squealed, then shrieked when I felt his fingers wiggle along my sides, covered only by the thin fabric of my pajamas.

"You just need some wake-up tickles!" He said joyfully.

"Stoahahahap it! I'll gohohohoho, I'll goooooo!" I cried, and his fingers slowed down.

"Promise?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"Prohohomise..." I giggled, squirming in his hold.

"Ok then!" He kissed me, then set me down. "I'll leave you to it."

He started to walk towards the door, then looked back at me, an evil grin on his face.

"I'll be back in fifteen. If your still here, your in for the worst tickling of your life." With that, he left.

I gave a half-sigh, half-laugh and shook my head.

I quickly got dressed and opened the door, stepping out.

This is it, I thought to myself.

Into the unknown.

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