Waking Up With You

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Maki opened her eyes slowly, then blinked hard.

She looked over, and saw Kaito sleeping next to her.

He was lying on his back, the covers covering his lower half.

He wasn't wearing a shirt; Maki blushed a little.

Her eyes wandered to his face; he was sleeping soundly.

She watched his stomach rise and fall, and smirked a little.

She took her index finger and hovered it over the skin just above his belly-button.

She wrote a capital M on his stomach.


Lowercase a.


Lowercase k.

Kaito stirred.

Lowercase i.

A small grin appeared on his face.

Maki smiled, then moved her finger right next to his bellybutton, writing a capital R.

Kaito giggled a little.

She dipped her finger in his bellybutton and moved it around, causing Kaito's face to scrunch up, still giggling.

She was in the middle of writing her first lowercase l when Kaito suddenly grabbed her wrist, one eye opening to look at her.

Maki gasped as Kaito grabbed her other hand and held both of them in one hand, pinning her arms above her head.

"M A K I...R O...I assume you were going to finish it with two L's?" He gave her a teasy smirk that made her stomach turn.

"Maybe." She replied, breathless. "You seemed to be enjoying it."

"Not as much as I'm going to enjoy this." He whispered in her ear, then pushed up her shirt.

A few panicked giggles escaped her lips as his fingers grazed her bare stomach.

He wrote a capital K to the left of her bellybutton, and she bit her lip, squirming uncomfortably.

"K-Kaito..." She gasped as he continued to teasingly write on her.

"Ah ah ah...I'm not quite finished." He whispered in her ear, his breath hot against her neck.

He bent down and planted a kiss on her bellybutton, making her emit a small, cute noise.

She then gave a small scream when he swirled his tongue around.

"K-KAITO!" She had an unwilling smile on her face, and she lifted her hips.

He pulled back his head and gave her a smile.

"That was my 'o'." He then finished the rest of his name, and gently leaned over a bit to softly bite her side.

She moaned, pressing herself into the mattress.

She gasped softly and started to giggle as Kaito spider-tickled her bare tummy.

"Kahahahaitohohoho, plehehehease, I cahahahan't tahahahake it!" She whined.

Kaito laughed softly and let go of her hands; he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss.

Maki smiled warmly and accepted it.

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