Kokichi, The Love Expert

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*This takes place when they were in highschool

"Hiya, Himiko! What's up?" Kokichi pinched Himiko's cheek and pulled, grinning at her.

"Nyeh!" She glanced at him, annoyed. "Go away!"

"Aw, come on!" Kokichi let her go and stood in front of her. "You're no fun today."

"I'm busy." She mumbled, starting to walk away from him.

He smirked, reaching over and grabbing her hat, putting it on himself.

"Ta-daaa! How do I look?" He asked, grinning at her, one eyebrow raised.

"Ridiculous." She huffed, crossing her arms. "Give it back."

"Ridiculous? That's not very nice..." Kokichi pouted, and dodged as she lunged at him.

"If you want it, you're going to have to come and get iiit!" Kokichi jeered, running off.

"H-Hold on! Running is such a pain!" She whined, running after him reluctantly.

Kokichi, however, didn't get far before he ran into Kaito, who had been watching the whole thing from a distance.

Kaito grabbed the hat from Kokichi, effectively holding it high above him.

"Go on, Kokichi. Reach for it." Kaito smirked, and Kokichi blushed and crossed his arms.

Himiko ran up to Kaito, fully out of breath.

Kaito gave her the hat, and she put it on, glaring at Kokichi.

"Kokichi, your such a-"

"Oh, heyyy Himiko!" All three of them turned around to see Tenko running up to them, grinning at Himiko.

"Oh...hey." Himiko said shyly.

"Are these MENaces bothering you?" Tenko glared at Kaito and Kokichi.

Himiko glanced at Kokichi and sighed.

"No, they're ok." She said finally, and Tenko smiled, relieved.

"That's great! Well, I'll catch you later!" She jogged off.

"I should get going to." Kaito sighed and looked at his watch, then glared at Kokichi. "Himiko, feel free to tell me if Kokichi tries to bother you anymore, ok?"

"Ok." She mumbled, and Kaito walked away.

She looked at Kokichi, who was staring at her.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that?" She mumbled.

"Your gay, aren't you?" He asked, and she blinked hard.

Then she started to walk away.

"Hey hey hey, where are you going?" Kokichi laughed, running up to her and walking next to her.

"Go away." She mumbled, her cheeks red.

"But you never answered my question." Kokichi said slyly.

She stopped, and turned to him.

"Even if I was, why would I tell you?" She said slowly.

"Because I could help you." Kokichi said simply.

"Help me with what?"

Kokichi leaned close to her and whispered in her ear,

"I know you have a crush on Tenko."

She jumped away from him, her eyes wide.

"H-How?!" She asked, baffled.

"C'mon, Himiko. It's obvious."

"You...You can't tell her. You can't tell anyone!"

"C'mon. Himiko. It's ME, remember? You really think I would do something like that?"

Himiko narrowed her eyes at him.

"Ok, fair point. But seriously, Himiko. I wouldn't do that. In fact, I'm going to help you. One gay person to another."

"Wait...your gay?" Himiko asked him carefully.

"Um, yeah?" He smirked. "Girls are gross. Guys are where it's at."

"Girls aren't gross..." Himiko mumbled, her cheeks pink.

"Whatever." Kokichi smirked and shrugged. "You wanna win her heart? You gotta make her jealous. Which is whyyy..."

He leaned close to her, putting an arm around her.

"We're going to go to lunch together, and your going to sit on my lap."

Her eyes widened, and she blushed heavily.


In the lunchroom...

"So...two plus two is...would you stop playing with my hair?! You said you would help me with my homework..." Himiko scolded Kokichi as he played with her hair; she was sitting on his lap, as he had instructed.

"But Tenko's going to be here any minute. I hope you realize that I'm risking my safety for your love life-"

"HIII-YAAAH!" Tenko kicked Kokichi in the face, sending in flying across the cafeteria.

Himiko gasped and watched him go.

He slumped against the wall and gave her a thumbs up.

"Just tell her how you feel..." He whispered weakly, then lost conscious.

"Uhhh..." Himiko turned to Tenko, who was staring down at her fiercely.

"Himiko! Are you ok? Did he touch you?" She hovered over her like a worried mom.

Himiko was shocked for a moment, but then remembered Kokichi's dying words.

She clenched her fists.

"Tenko Chabashira!" She announced.

"Eh?" Tenko blinked.

"I...I am in love with you. And...And...And would you like to be my girlfriend?" Himiko yelled.

Tenko's eyes were wide.

"You...and...me?" She suddenly grinned wider than Himiko had ever seen. "OH HIMIKO! OF COURSE! I LOVE YOU TOO!"

She picked her up and hugged her tight, crying tears of joy.

"That's great! I knew you could do it!" Kokichi was suddenly standing next to them, his forehead bloody.

"Kokichi! Y-You should probably go to the nurse." Himiko glanced at him, worried.

"YOU!" Tenko growled at him. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't kick you again!"

"Wait, Tenko!" Himiko turned to face her lover. "Kokichi helped me to be able to talk to you."

Tenko turned to Kokichi.

"He...He did?" Tenko asked. "...I see. Alright, Kokichi. I'll let you off easy this time. NOW GET YOUR SORRY FACE OUTTA MY SIGHT!"

"Y-Yes ma'am..."

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