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what am i even writing by this point

Fuyuhiko trudged downstairs, wearing his "casual attire"; White t-shirt, suspenders with the cuffs rolled up, and short white socks.

He narrowed his eyes at Kazuichi, who was sitting on the couch, watching some crime detective show, wearing HIS casual attire; white t-shirt, with his yellow jumpsuit zipped down to his hips, no socks or shoes.

"Where's Gundham?" Fuyuhiko asked while sitting down next to his friend.

"Dunno. Somewhere with Sonia." Kazuichi said, his focus on the show.

Fuyuhiko felt a surge of anger.

"He said he'd hang out with us today. Weren't we going to be working on homework together?" Fuyuhiko said through gritted teeth.

Kazuichi glanced at him.

"Yeah, so? It's not due until Monday. We've got the whole weekend." With that, he turned his attention back to the show.

"I can't get anything done with you! You get distracted too easily. Gundham always threatens to tickle you, and then you get back on track." Fuyuhiko smirked when he saw his friend blush.

"Whatever. That's why I'm glad he's not here. I can focus on Sherlock."

"Oh, that's what your watching." Fuyuhiko glanced at the TV, then back at Kazuichi, narrowing his eyes. "I could threaten you too, you know."

Kazuichi looked at him, his eyes traveling lazily up and down Fuyuhiko's small frame.

The pink-haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"Yyyeah..." He said slowly, then looked back at the TV.

Fuyuhiko scowled, but leaned back into the couch and watched the rest of the episode with him.

When the episode was over, Kazuichi looked at Fuyuhiko again.

"What's your deal, anyway? Why are you so moody today? I mean, your like this everyday, but-"

Fuyuhiko's eyes flashed, and in no time he was kneeling in the space between Kazuichi's legs, a fist wrapped around the front of his shirt.

"Say that again, you bastard!" He growled.

Kazuchi just stared at him.

"You see what I mean? Normally you'd just tell me to piss off."

Fuyuhiko was taken aback, and he quickly let go and moved away.

"Like I'd tell you." He muttered.

"Yeah, it's not like I'm your best friend or anything." Kazuichi rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

Fuyuhiko shot him a glance.

"Fucking fine! But if I tell you, you...can't laugh."

Kazuichi nodded.

"I'm..." Fuyuhiko looked away. "Having nightmares. They've never happened before...I don't get what's happening. I know I've been around terrifying shit my whole life, but...it's never affected me like this."

"Have you told Peko?" Kazuichi asked.

"Hell no." Fuyuhiko scoffed. "I love her, obviously, but...she'd just worry. And I don't want her to worry."

It was quiet for a moment.

Fuyuhiko shrugged.

"Anyway, that's-WOAH!"

Fuyuhiko found himself pinned down on the couch, a grinning Kazuichi over him.

"Wh-What the hell do you think your doing?!" Fuyuhiko was utterly flabbergasted.

"You need to be cheered up, sourpuss! And I'M your man!" Kazuichi winked, obviously pleased with himself.

"You idiot, get off of me!" Fuyuhiko sputtered.

"Nope!" Kazuichi said simply, carefully slipping the straps off of his friend's shoulders.

He then promptly dug his fingers into Fuyuhiko's sides and the smaller boy jumped, letting out a yelp.

"Kazuichi, st-stop it-" He rambled, his face red as he struggled pitifully in his hold.

"I don't think so. You'll thank me for this later." Kazuichi wiggled his fingers, and Fuyuhiko immediately started giggling, his laughter bright and young.

"I'm gohohoing to murdeheheher yohohohu!" Fuyuhiko squealed, trying to tug his arms free.

"I'd probably feel threatened if we weren't friends. But we are. However..." Kazuichi moved his hand in a claw over Fuyuhiko's stomach. "We probably won't be after I hit your worst spot. Where was it again?"

Fuyuhiko arched his back and cried out, squeaking adorably when Kazuichi spider-tickled around his bellybutton.

"Kahahahahahazuichi, STOAHAHAHAP!" He shrieked as the sides of his stomach were attacked.

"That's riiight, it's your stomach...where else is pretty bad for you? Maybe up here..." Kazuichi walked his fingers up higher and higher, until he was tickling Fuyuhiko's underarms.

Fuyuhiko screamed and bucked his hips, laughing too hard for him to form words.

Kazuichi chuckled and decided to go easy on his friend, bringing his hands down and fluttering his fingers over his stomach.

Fuyuhiko giggled tiredly, squirming, his cheeks pinker than usual.

"Yohohou...I'm gohohoing tohoho..." He stumbled over his words, too exhausted to speak correctly.

"I know, I know. You're going to kill me. But aren't you totally cheered up now?"

Fuyuhiko groaned.

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