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Nathan Grey

"sir the guests will be arriving soon and you are yet to get ready".

"can you take it without me?  I don't feel like attending to anything right now what I need is to be left alone" I took me every ounce not to snap at them,  that's what I have been doing lately snapping at everyone and everything. "now just leave".

I sigh rubbing my temples I felt a hand on my shoulder, "you need to calm down Nathan you are literally snapping at everyone and everything these days,  I have sent the finest teams out there to search for her they will find her soon you just gotta relax".

"I can't relax knowing she's out there suffering or worse dead or into hands of someone who's trying to kill me and I got her into this mess it's all my fault I just want to see her take her back to where I took her and pretended like it never happened".

"you can't just pretend it never happened which it quite did happen, you just need to calm down getting upset snapping at people won't help in anyway".

"okay I will try".

"good now get dressed and meet those filthy bastard and drain their pockets" he said smiling. I chuckled softly standing up to get dressed.


The event went well but the whole of it my mind wasn't there I got into my room taking off my suit and neck and tie.

I just want to see her alive and in one piece I don't love her, I just jusr just arrgh, what the hell is happening I usually don't feel remorse but now I do, I feel it's all my fault I took her, kept her tortured her and now someone else took her away from in my own house., if only I can see her again.

"boss, I've got something to tell you".

"say it and leave be fast about it".

"i-we caught one of the suspect but I think you need to see him yourself".

"good lead the way" my mind was racing with different thoughts what if he killed her already? I won't spare his life I need to know who sent him to invade my room.

Getting to the basement I saw the man he had his head down with blood dripping from his forehead. I move closer to him taking a chair which made him raised up his head.

"so, you are the one that invade my room shot my friend and took someone eh"? I asked nonchalantly.

"yes, and what you going to do about it"? The bastard is smirking. Calm down get the information from him then finish him.

"you no idea what am capable of doing do you"? I asked him which made his eyes widen in fear.

"now let's do it the easy way who sent how did much did they pay you, I need names and you are free to go, I won't lay a finger on you if you tell me who sent, where she's taken too". He kept quiet without saying anything I ask again and again my patience is wearing out.

"I need every information from don't kill him until he talks" I stood up about taking my leave when he suddenly spoke up.

"it's master Benjamin, he shot a man and took the girl, don't know where he took her too, I swear that's all I know I was only part of the people that blindfolded her, that's all I did".

"no, no, no,  it can't be Benjamin wouldn't betray you are lying just to get out of this just to blame him, Benjamin would never betray me" my whole body was shaking Nah, Benjamin would never do something like this he wouldn't dare.

"okay, then if you don't believe me, check my pocket there's my phone I recorded everything" . The boy searched his pocket and brought out the phone where he played the record of the video.

With me watching it I felt my heart sinking further and further again so he's the one behind her kidnapped her in my home, my lord how could I be so blind.

"and that's not all he also made Kelvin sold you out to the king's he made look as if Kelvin did it".

No, he wouldn't he could never do that. Oh my God. I rushed out the basement heading to my room to calm my beating heart.

Benjamin wouldn't do this, he wouldn't he could never hurt me not in anyway. It's all lies just trying to set him up. I wanted to believe that but I knew deep down with the video and what he told me, Benjamin really did betrayed me. I need to kill that two-sided son of a bitch.

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