"mom"? I called out.
"baby". I ran towards her hugging her tightly right there I broke down. "oh my God mom I missed you it was horrible " I said in between sobs.
"shhh, baby girl am here now, you are fine".
"please don't leave me please I can't do this anymore".
"you are okay baby. Am so sorry we had to leave so soon". I wiped my tears with the back of my hand.
"it doesn't matter now, you are here. You are never leaving yes"? I asked searching for any sign. She gave me a small smile hugging me.
"whatever you are going through I am always with you. We are always with you baby".
I pulled away staring into her eyes how much I missed staring at them, hearing her voice, eating her food I missed all that, and now that I have this opportunity I am never letting go.
"come sit here baby" she led me to a garden taking my hand placing it on her laps. We sat there in silence staring at the view in front of us. Sense of peace washed over me, I can't remember when last I fell peace, found peace like this.
"you are a brave girl baby, you did well".
"no, mom I messed up really bad" I chuckled softly. "my big mouth landed me in trouble".
"no, you were protecting yourself, you don't want anyone stepping on you so you did the only thing that came to your mind, you defended yourself".
"yeah? And it caused me eternal pain, I was beaten mom, tortured, I barely have water talk more of food, I was sold out like a slave mom, I never want to go back please let stay here with you". I pleaded I really don't want to wake up I want to stay here right here with my mom. I want to forget about the horrible things that have happened.
"I wish nothing more than to be with you, see how you have turned out to be, you are beautiful, strong, independent I couldn't be more proud of you".
"I missed you mom, so much".
"I missed you too baby" she wrapped her arms around me, while I gently lay my head on her shoulder letting another fresh set of tears fall down.
"you will be okay baby, I will be with you all the way " she whispered.
"promise"? I look up with teary eyes.
"promise baby she kissed my forehead. I promise".
"baby, you need to go you've been here for too long".
I shook my head, "no, no, I just got here, I can't leave, I don't have where to go, going back there I will continue to face the same thing all over again".
"please don't let me go mom". She had tears in eyes whilst smiling.
"am sorry baby you need to go, I already gave you my word I will be with you forever". She did, but that's not enough I need to stay here with her, with them.
I was about speaking when I heard his voice did he follow me here? My eyes widen in horror.
"Mom,he-he's here" my breathing was ragged I couldn't breathe properly, he followed me here. I can never escape him no matter how hard I try.
"calm down baby, shut out the negativity and listen".
"i-i can't" my lungs hurt I couldn't breathe properly breathing hurts.
"yes you can, listen" this time I listen, shutting out the "negativity " and I listened.
"please come back huntress, I need you".
"go baby, there's someone that needs you more than we do" suddenly my dad appeared.
"sorry it took me time to see you princess".
"dad"? My voice was barely audible but he heard it.
"shhh. I got you princess, I always do." he kissed my forehead. "now, go princess I love you" he lean forward placing a kiss on my forehead hugging me one last time.
"I love you" they both said. And just like that they disappeared.
I open up my eyes which I regretted immediately. I close it back opening up again, seeing people standing on my head, I tried seeing their faces but it was all blurry.
"Humph"! I made a small sound but it came out as a muffled my whole body was aching most especially towards my shoulder.
"easy there Ms, don't stress it."
When I close my eyes again, before opening it I was able to see clearly.
I scanned everywhere with my eyes, seeing about four people all dressed in a white, before my eyes landing on him, my abductor, the person that took me against my wish, and still the same person I heard his voice begging me to come back, he stare at me before tearing his gaze away keeping his down. I tried speaking the second time it came out as a muffle.
"oh, am sorry, guess you won't be needing this again" one of the people dressed in white came closer taking off something from my face.
"you are a fighter Ms, I never thought you would survive welcome back, get enough rest will come check on you later". I watch how they all left one after the other.
I was left with my kidnapper alone, I don't know why I still feel insecure about it, I just don't want him close to me. When I was him moving closer to me I began panicking, there is no way I can stand up giving my whole body is aching. He might have noticed it and stopped in his tracks.
"huntress? I'm not hurting you" he voice came out as a whisper. "am glad you okay, if anything had happen to you I will never forgive myself" he added from the way he sound. He's sincere, but there are tons of people that manipulate people.
"I'm sorry, I don't know how long you want me to say this but I'm truly sorry".
Sorry? I heard wrong he can't be begging me, no, this is not right.
I didn't know he's close until when I felt him hold my hand.
"huntress... "he brought my hand to his face. "I'm sorry, please I'm sorry" the look in his eyes for the first time I saw regret. Under another circumstance I might have believe but no, even the eyes do tell lies.
I slowly remove my hand turning my face away. He's pretending, he never apologizes. I closed my eyes hearing him beside me muttering "I'm sorry".
No.. He's lying.

Held Captive [Completed]
Romance# 871 in romance 23rd April, 2018 # 632 in romance May 1st. #793 in romance May 16th I ran, ran as far as my legs could take me I ran into an uncompleted building and hide. "you can't hide away from me Vicky " he hissed. "nobody can". his voice w...