Well..I still don't believe you

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It was six pm..I just got home from school and Maddy, of course, was blowing my phone up again.


Sab! Has he posted the video yet?? 

I really don't understand what she was talking about. Logan usually posts his videos later at night, and I know this because I always watch them before I go to bed.. Oops.


Okay well, He still hasn't posted his vlog... I really don't wanna know who won.


 We are gonna win, plus if we don't I have been saving up money for a trip to LA. We can take Brianne, Bryce, Keys and all of them with us.

Wow, that is too many people.. I don't think I wanna do that. I never really enjoyed doing stuff with a huge group of people.. But then again How will I be able to survive a week with Logan Paul?


Okay well just shut up about it and don't think about it anymore.

She did not reply to me after this.. Finally, I got her to shut up..Or maybe not...

I laid my phone on the top of my circular round table that sat beside my bed. I made sure I turned my notifications on so I would know when he would post a video, but I put Maddy on do not disturb.. 

She is clearly stressing me out.

 Speaking of being stressed out...

The thought of going to LA has been giving me anxiety.. I mean, We may have money for the tickets but the whole trip itself is too fucking stressful. 

Who has time to pack up clothes, fly halfway across the country to live with a famous youtuber for a week and pretend that we will fall in love and live happily ever after... 

NO ONE..Except maybe me.

People might call me addicted and obsessed but there is really no reason not to be. I have been subscribed and following Logan for a long time..longer than how long school was making me suffer.. (THAT SHIT IS LONG). 

Anyways, I was feeling really tired. I checked my clock and it was close to seven.. 

"UGH." I said to myself, The video would not be posted till a while. Approximately around eight or nine..

 I grabbed my phone, ignored everyone texting me and got on Snapchat.

This kept me occupied for about ten minutes.. I don't really use Snapchat as much but I always complained about my friends Snapchatting and driving.. Not trying to throw shade or anything.

"Sabrina! What are you doing?" My mom called out to me while she was watching tv in the living room. My house is pretty quiet most of the time.. except when Allen comes downstairs...then all hell goes to lose.

"I'm not doing anything Mom, go back to watching tv." I yelled back at her... I really hated myself for freaking out about this competition but I mean who wasn't excited?"

I wonder what Maddy is doing.. 

Maddy's POV:

"What the actual fuck?" I said to myself when I grabbed my Chromebook and started doing some homework. 

I really hated doing my work after school but I can barely get any sleep at all at night.

The video still has not been posted. LOGAN HURRY YOUR ASS UP! I thought to myself. How long does it take to upload a vlog?   Literally, you hire someone to edit it and all you gotta do is freaking post it. 

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