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"Will you lift your legs up for me?" I followed the instruction and lifted my legs up, which followed by a stabbing pain on my knee.

"Ahh.. That doesn't feel good.." I look up at Jake who was standing beside me, biting his lip.

"Is she okay?" He looked at the doctor who didn't seem so happy.

 "She is having a little soreness on her legs, which is normal.. This just means her legs aren't used to the pressure yet." 

"Does that mean I have to stay on the wheelchair?" I wanted to scream, right there, Right now. I hate being on a wheelchair. 

"Just to be safe... We might have to put you on Physical Therapy.." She grabs her clipboard and starts scribbling a number on this Post-It. She turned around and handed Jake the Post-It, who then looked down all confused at me. 

"Here, He's the best I know, Walking exercises every Monday and Wednesday for three weeks, and maybe near the end of the month, we can start you on crutches." 

I let out a groan, and rolled my eyes. Jake then grabbed both of my arms and helped me out of the examination bed and into my wheelchair. Just great.

We walked out of the clinic and I have not said a single word to him. "Maddy, I know you hate being in that wheelchair, but it's for the best.." 

"I know.. I know.. It just sucks not being able to do things on my own. Having to yell for help everytime I need to get out of my bed every morning is painful..I really thought I was gonna be able to walk out of here today.." 

"I know, I did too..." He helped me up to the seat of the car and packed the wheelchair. 

"So, Where do you wanna go?" 

"Honestly, This whole wheelchair thing is making me hungry.." 

"We are getting food then.." He grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back, this made me feel a lot better, but it still sucked. I was jealous of Sabrina, her and Logan are going rolling skating today. 

"Have you talked to Logan?" 

"No, Bryce let me know that they just left the house a second ago though. I wonder why they did let me know." He let out a chuckle.

"Maybe they are throwing a secret party at his place, Sounds like something Bryce and Brianne would do.. " 

"Yikes, I kinda not and want to be there for that." We both looked at each other and laughed. I was enjoying this, I'm gonna admit. Under all that cockiness, there was a decent funny guy.

"Bryce and Brianne getting drunk is a really fun thing to see.. Sucks that I'm in a wheelchair. Probably would just get called "Crippled" If i go to that party.."

"Hmm..Maybe we should go see a movie tonight.." 

"That sounds like an excellent Idea.. " 

Sabrina's POV:

"So you ever been rolling skating before?" The guy in the desk asks me as he handed me my shoes. 

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fall once I put these on.." 

"I agree." We both laughed as I walked away and sat on a bench beside Logan who already had his shoes on.

"GEEZ. That was fast.." 

"You're just slow! Hurry your ass up!" He pushes me playfully and I literally almost fell out of the bench. That is how unstable I am. 

"Don't have to yell at me.." I rolled my eyes and knotted my shoe laces. Once I put both of them on, I was too scared to stand up. Shit. 

Logan stood up and stood right infront of me, laughing because he knew I was scared.

"WHAT what's your problem?"

"You've never been rolling skating before.. have you?" 

"Yes, I thought we discussed this." I put one leg out and tried standing up but I ended up slipping but Logan caught my arm and pulled me up. 

"I got you.." He looked down on me and gave me a kiss. Wow, God, I think I'm melting.

"Finally realized you were being an ass.." 

"Shut up.." He held my hand and we walked to the rink, I would feel so embarrassed if I fell because there were so many people but then again, Who the fuck cares what they think?

Once we went in, Logan let go of my hand and I quickly grabbed onto the side, shaking. 

"Come on Sab!" He was just moving around, back and forth in front of me. This was kinda pissing me off. 

I let go of the railings and slowly started to move forward. I had my arms up looking like an idiot trying to balance my body, 

"OMG IM DOING IM DO-" I lose my balance and slip, making me land onto the floor face first.

"SAB! Are you okay?" Logan kneeled right beside me, laughing.

"Oh yeah, I'm on the floor and I fell on my face, Obviously IM FINE!" 

"You are so cute.." He grabbed my hand and lifted me up, If this guy lets me go again, I will punch his beautiful face.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and gained enough confidence to push Logan's arm away from me. I take that back, I am a strong independent woman. 

"Watch and learn asshole." I start sliding my feet, left, right, left, right.  I got the hang of it. 

I turned to my shoulder and I see Logan following behind me, I started picking up speed so that he wouldn't catch me. 

When I wasn't looking, I accidentally bumped and crash into some guy right in front of me.

"Woah! I am so so sorry!" He had a british accent, it was more Irish though.. 

"It's oka-" I looked up and Holy shit no.. It can't be..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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