Please Stop.

71 1 19

It was the time. The time we all die and not want to live anymore. 

"School...I hate schooollll OOOOOOOOOOOOO I hate schooooooool." Maddy was singing right beside me in the cafeteria. 

It was 8:05 about ten more minutes and my soul is ready to be brought to Jesus. 

"So.. About last night.. Have you thought about it at all???" She said while she grabbed my phone and started spinning it on the popsocket. 

"Uhmm No why? It isn't gonna happen you know?" Man, I wish it did. I would try to win that competition.. but that is really too much work. 

" OKAY WELL, I bought some hoodies last night. I really wanna meet him! I don't understand why you are doubting us..Don't you believe in me?" 

AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. wow, when did I ever believe in her? 

Whenever she says that it always reminded me of Homecoming... Sophomore year..Ahh, the stress and the pain of the stupid ass float that looked like trash. 

NO, I had no faith in her, but she did a pretty good job that made us win at the end.  so I guess so.. 

I'm gonna be honest with her. 

"Uhm No not really...There's literally going to be thousands of girls trying to buy his merch while we are.. Are you stupid in the head?"

"Meh, Probably.. But Last night I went absolutely insane. We really are going to win this competition.." 

Half of me is starting to believe this shit is gonna be real, but when has that ever worked out for me? I literally freak out about EVERY LITTLE DETAIL. Especially what happened this morning..

 I had so much work to be done for this one stupid teacher who does not even teach.. Mr. Sanders. I honestly do not understand what his problem is. 

Anyways, I finished all my work this morning and packed it up in my bag.

 This was at 7:20... 

While I was getting dressed, my brother, Allen walked in and said "Who's paper is this? I found it in the trash." 

"Oh, it is probably nothing just throw it away..." I said as I was curling my hair with a curling iron, avoiding getting burnt.

"Are you sure? It looks like it belongs to someone." 

"NO, it does not just throw it away geez." I unplugged my curling iron as I see him walk away from my room. 

"Okay god..." Whatever Allen you're irrelevant anyway. 

I grabbed my car keys and walked into the garage. "I need gas.." I said to myself as I climbed into my car and as usual turned my notifications off. 

"No texting and driving." I said to myself. 

I pulled out of my house and started driving to school. The paper Allen brought to me made me think if I put the right paper in my bag.. I remembered I did not really look at what I was getting...

So I decided to pull over to a gas station to fill my car with gas. 

"Well, Twenty bucks should be enough.." 

While I was waiting, I pulled my binder out and looked for my homework. 

"SHIT!" I yelled out loud. The paper... The fucking dumb ass paper. It's IN THE TRASH!

I quickly drove away from the gas station.

This was at 8:00

"fuck, fuuck, fuuuck." I said while I was trying to drive as fast as I can back home. Once I made it home I sprinted to the trash can. 


There it was. The trash. Empty like my soul.


"Sabrina it's outside!" My mom called out from the kitchen.

 I quickly sprinted out and started searching for it. I'm pretty sure my neighbors were concerned because I looked tired and dead while I'm just casually searching through a pile of trash.

"YES!" I said when I found it. Stupid Allen.. wait why was he digging through the trash?...

That little fucker put it there.. "Stupid Allen." I mumbled to myself realizing I was alone. 

"SAB SAB SABBBBBB!" I quickly snapped out of that long flashback and back to Maddy yelling at me.

"Sab come on the bell rang like five minutes ago! You're gonna be late!"

"I honestly don't even give a fuck anymore." I said as I rolled my eyes. I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked out of the cafeteria. 


Lunch, my favorite time of the day. 

"Okay so I was watching this show called Never again and it is about some guy who was killed three times and basically his soul was incarnated in three different bodies at the same time.." Bryce was saying as she was eating her food. 

She was always obsessed with TV shows. and EDITS.. ESPECIALLY EDITS 

"Hey, Mads would you come with me to get food?" Brianne said as she stood up from our table. 

"Will you get me a drink If I did??" 

"Fine whatever." They both left and I was left alone. I decided to pick up my phone and Search Logan Paul's merch website. 

God, I want all of these.. I thought to myself as I was scrolling through it. There was a sale since it was just Black Friday. 

This is really not much of a difference.. Sometimes I think people are so stupid to give just 20% off like it's not even a big difference. 

I sighed and put my phone down. 

I still do not imagine myself being with Logan Paul for a whole week. I mean we can live at his house, which is a shit nice house. 

MAYBE HE CAN HIRE ME AS HIS ASSISTANT! I'm eighteen and I'm almost done with school.. 

"SAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBB He is posting it! TONIGHT! The winners!!!" Maddy yelled at me while Brianne stood there in complete shock.

"What are yall talking about now??" She said while she stuffed a french fry into her mouth. 

I have friends that eat a lot.. I thought to myself.. Wow.

"Logan Paul is having this competition! Basically, two people get to go live with him in LA and stay there in his house! All you have to do is buy a shit ton of his merch which I already did."

Sometimes her happiness annoys the fuck out of me.. What is wrong with her? It's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

"Yeah..It is some stupid contest to make people buy expensive overrated shit." Again, I lied. I love his merch to death, but I am not wasting fifty dollars on some hoodie. 

"We got this sab!" Maddy said as she walked out of the school. She and I only had two classes left since it was our senior year. I'm a fucking awesome bitch.

"Okay Mads, Calm down. I will call you tonight if something happens..." My heart started pounding... tonight we find out the truth.. 

"SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN THOUGH!" She shouted while she hopped into my car, putting her seatbelt on. I stared at her like some stupid fucking maniac. No Mads, No.

"Please Stop." I said as I drove out of school. 

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