Someone is gonna die tonight.

37 2 6

Earlier in the day: 

Brianne POV

I woke up and my sheets were over my face. Oh hell no. I screamed in fright because I thought I saw a figure right beside me. 

"BRIANNE WHAT THE HELL?" I hear Bryce yell at me after I screamed.

"I'm sorry I thought there was some creep beside me." 

"Oh and obviously the right thing to do was to scream?" She said as she walked into my room rolling her eyes

"Yes, what else should I have done?" I said as I raised my eyebrows waiting for a smart ass response.

"Whatever, We have to get ready. I ordered pizza but it still isn't fucking here." She says frustrated as she was counting her money

"Well, that bitch better give it to us free then." I grabbed my phone and pulled my camera up.


"Bryce we aren't going anywhere..with my hair looking like this." My hair was just stiff and full of some sort of liquid? I don't even know..

She started laughing so hard as if what I just said was a joke. No bitch. It's real. 

"What the hell you laughing for?" I looked at her confused

"Brianne you're fine.." 

"BITCH NO I'M NOT MY HAIR IS STIFF DID YOU HEAR ME STIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!" I said as I started pulling out strands of my hair.

She walked out of my bedroom and I slammed the door behind her.

I searched through our luggage and couldn't find anything I owned.


"BRYCE WHERE'S MY CLOTHES???" I yelled at her while I was frantically throwing her clothes out of the suitcase

"Oops." She said to me with one finger on her mouth, slowly turning away.

"I HAVE NO CLOTHES!?!?!?" Oh, bitch hell no this can't be happening.

I grabbed my keys and left the bedroom. Bryce I am going to murder you. 

While I was mumbling what I was gonna do to Bryce, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. 

 As I turned back after locking to the room door, I crashed into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He had a cute raspy voice

"Oh no, it's fine.." I was rubbing the back of my head as he helped me up.

It took me a while to realize who I was in front of. 

"K-K-Kj App-Appa?" I said as my body started to stiffen up.

"You know me.." He laughed

"Of course I do.. I love Riverdale You're the hott-I mean most important one there." 

"Mhm. Say that again?"

"You're the hottest one there." He knows he's hot mhm. And Brianne knows she's hot too. 

"What's your name?" 

"Brianne. People call me Bre sometimes though."

"Bre, Where are you going?" He gave me a smile. Ugh, He's beautiful.

"I was heading out to get clothes because my friend didn't PACK ME ANY" I purposely screamed the last words for Bryce to hear inside the room

"Mind If I join you? A girl like you can't be alone shopping." 

Yes, Baby Yes. Brianne is hitting the jackpot.

"Yeah sure.." I tried to play it out cool but inside I was screaming.

"BRYCE I'LL BE BACK TO GET SOME CLOTHES!" I yelled at the door and started walking as I heard a faint 'Okay'. 

I need a cute ass outfit. 

Bryce POV: 

I grabbed the TV remote and plopped myself on the couch. I have nothing else to do but wait for Brianne to come back. 

Wait, maybe Daniel is next door.. No no he's probably getting ready for the Comic-con.. 

Should I check? No Bryce fucking stop. Ugh

I got up from my couch and changed into somewhat decent clothes

Converse, Ripped jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater. 

I walked out of our room and locked the door behind me. I had to make sure no one else was in the hallway because I am pretty sure I can get arrested for this. 

I walked across the hallway and turned the knob on his room. OMG... He left it unlocked. 

The chances of me being here, and the door being unlocked is fucking scary but it made my life easier. 

I walked and got a whiff of cologne. Shit. He smells good too.

His room was really messy but it's fine cause I relate. 

I looked at the room and there were three bedrooms. Wait. Who else is here with him?

I decided to enter the first bedroom on the right and looked around, searching for a wallet or something.

There was a brown passport laying on the side table. I grabbed it and skimmed through the pages. I felt uneasy when I found out who's room this was..

"Bob Morley. Are you shitting me right now?" I heard people talking coming from outside the door. 

"OH SHIT OH SHIT!!!" I tried crawling under the bed but my fat ass couldn't fit. So, I decided to make a sprint for the kitchen and hide in one of the cabinets.

"KJ YOU SO FUNNY!" OMG is that Brianne's voice?

I heard the door swing open and Brianne and Kj walking in. 

"I wonder what Bryce is doing..but I rather be here anyway.." 

Oh wow, bitch Thank you. I rather be here too.

I tried to move around and get comfortable 

"OUCH!" OMG, I hope they didn't hear me.

"Uhm Uhm.. KJ Why don't you get me some food?"

"Br-" I hear a loud slam coming from the main door followed by footsteps heading towards me.

I screamed as Brianne opened the cabinet.



"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND??" She grabbed Bob's passport and she almost nearly fainted. We both looked at each other as we heard the doorknob turning.


I heard voices and all their voices were familiar. 

Brianne and I are gonna get arrested.



- M.

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