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"Mom! Dad! Where are you guys?" frantically I look everywhere I could in that place. The place is like a dessert with nothing around. Surrounded by nothingness...
"Mom! Dad! Please Im begging you where are you?". Still searching for someone to accompany me in this dessert. Did I ever tell you that I always hated to be alone? The thought of being alone sends a chill through my spine.

I was about to burst to tears when suddenly a bright light appear in front of me. "Why are you sad my dear?" it said. The voice was pratically mix so I couldnt make out whether the light is a male or a female. And the light is too bright for me to see its gender.

"I want to go home. I want to meet mom and dad again. I know I made a lot of mistakes that maybe even I can't forgive myself but please tell me, where is everybody?"crying hardly.

Somehow the light seems to smile at me. Sarcastically. "Oh dear, you know you cannot leave this place. Not even with your power. Youll be staying here with...ALL OF US!!!" The voice suddenly got hoarse and everything went pitch black.
The ground is shaking like theres gonna be an earthquake.

'what? What is happening here?' I said. Then suddenly it stop. Everything. I thought that everything was over but i spoke too soon. Then theres seem to be some light behind me. The thought of something creepy came into my mind. The colour of the light is like a fire's light. I felt a hand on my shoulder and slowly turn my head to see who or what is touching me. There I saw a beautiful lady holding me tightly and gave me an eerie smile.

"Youll stuck here forever and ever. Because you are one of us."
Holding my shoulder tighter.
I try to break it off but I cant. The more I struggle to be free the more I cant move my body.

In the dim light, I finally got to see what was holding me back. Thousand and thousands of them holding me. Their smile looks so horrifying that I almost cry. "You cant leave this place. This is your place. Your paradise for ever." they said. Paradise? This is no paradise. This is hell. What have I done to deserve this? I have been good to others. I didnt even touch my mom's special apple pie when it's hot even though it was so tempting to eat it. Ok maybe that is out of the question. But why?

"No! I dont want to be in this place. Get me out of here!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. But they all seems to be amused with me. They laugh and laugh and laugh even though I was crying. Then one of them suddenly puts its hand on my face and open my eyes as it forcing me to do it. And mark my words, whoever hand it is, it isn't like our hands though. Its hand is skinless. Its fingers some have rotten flesh on it and the others are boneless. I could even hear the bones crack.

I look at where it wants me to look. Forcefully. There, stood a girl covered with blood and she was holding a knife. Not to mention the knife looks terribly sharp probably can slice the air into two. But whats more the girl have wings? Not the angelic type though. Suddenly...

She looks at me while licking her eerie smilling lips and somehow I could hear her whisper.

"Hey sis. Dont you wanna be a part of me too? You always said that you wanna help me right? So why dont you be a part of me,eh? I bet yours taste as good as them." she said while laughing hysterically. Then she approaches me slowly not walking, but flying with those wings.

I tried to get away but it was useless of course. I look at her again and she was already in front of me. This time she wasnt smiling although she did give me a deadly stare. I didnt recover from my shock yet when she has already put the knife on my neck.
" Well then sis. Have a nice sleep. Good night." she said. Before the knife can even cut my throat, there was a light and it brings me back to the reality world.

I woke up startled. My heart was pounding really fast.I look around and feel my throat. I felt relieve that I didnt die yet.
But that dream has been haunting me for weeks now. Im not sure what to do. Even though it's just a dream it feel like real. Why is this happening to me? Argh let's just forget about it. I'm way too hungry right now.

I go straight to the kitchen hoping there was some food that my mom cook...and she did. Bacons, eggs and baked beans. At the dish there was a note. "Sweetie I have to go to work early. I've prepared breakfast. Dont be late for school and come back home early." I crumpled the note and toss it into the dust bin.

It's not like I hate her but can you even imagined that even though we live together and all, I haven't seen her like when I was...umm...even I don't know.

I look at the clock and it was time for me to go to my favorite place of all. School. Maybe it's sounds weird but hey everybody likes school right? Just then the school bus arrives. Checking myself with a mirror to see if everything is perfectly clean and tidy. Hair being tied up. Check. My pair of glasses is in good condition. And my clothes is good. Not too flashy I suppose.

Ready to go!

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