Chapter 14

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Mia's POV

"W-what?" The words that came from her mouth made me trembled. Can't I have just one day of peace? Lyla, right now, was on Victor's hand. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. I'm not going to let that damn 'mother' of mine ruin every single thing that I have. My mind was full of the hatred for the queen that I didn't realized that some changes happened to me.
Victor's POV

Both me and Lyla looked at Mia, and for sure, there was some changes happened to her. Her eyes became red! It's one of the signs. But before I could do anything, she sprinted towards the akademie.

"Victor! You have to stop her before she transforms completely!" Lyla shouted at me. I put her on the top of my head and started to run after Mia.

"Tch, you don't have to tell me, Lyla. I already know." I said to her, trying to catch up to Mia. She was running so fast that I couldn't catch up with her.

"Mia, wait!" I yelled at her. The distance between us didn't became closer so I have to shout at the top of my lungs to get her attention. I thought that she wouldn't hear me in that state of hers but she stopped!

Seeing this chance, I quickly ran up to her, a little bit panting and was now behind her. "Mia..." She slowly turned towards me and revealed her face to me. Her eyes was now half red and half brown, indicating that she still have control of her power.

"Victor... It's all my fault. They are going to die because of me. Because of some stupid power of mine! I didn't want this to happen! But I'm the one causing it!" Tears trickled down her cheeks and fall on the ground. She was clutching her dress very hard that it started to form wrinkles.

I couldn't do anything to her to comfort her except for hugging her. As I hugged her, she began to cry even more. I stroked her hair for a moment and after some time, she began to calm down. I smiled at her, wiping the tears on her face with my thumb.

"Mia, it's not your fault that this thing happen. It's the queen's greediness that led to this. It's our fate that one day it will be like this. That one day, we have to put an end to this chaos. Am I right?" Smiling at her, she nodded. "But how do we defeat her?" She asked.

Before I could tell her my plan, there was some sound behind us. I put a finger on my lips to her and I slowly approached where the sound came from. It was dark and I couldn't see a thing. But I could see a figure! No three figures! They are coming at us!
As only our spot has lights on, I could barely see that it was just our friends.

But there was something strange about them. Then they came to the light, revealing themselves. They were just the same but their eyes showed nothingness. "Victor! They have been controlled by her!" After Lyla said that, one of them started to lung at me. I quickly threw Lyla towards Mia.

I didn't react fast enough because I was kicked on the side that I skidded not so far from Mia. The impact was so hard that I started to cough. I looked up and I saw one of the figure started to make a move and dash towards Mia.

'Shoot! ' I quickly got up and threw a fireball at the figure. But she seems to realize it and quickly avoided my attack. I ran to Mia and grabbed her hand and ran away from there. Those three didn't chased us, making our escape easier.

Time skip~


We were panting and gasping for air. We were hiding behind a building to avoid my friends. Of all my life, I've never ran so fast like that. Plus, I'm not the atlethic type making me cough a bit. "Mia, you OK?"

His soft voice made me looked at him and the feeling of guilt came to me. I could see that the hand that was holding mine were bleeding a little.
"I should be the one asking you that."

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