chapter 5

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"Finally, class is over." I said putting my head on the table.
I heard Alex giggle. "Was it that hard for you? Come on it is simple you know."
I stare at him. "Oh yea. It was really simple for a human like me to understand all those magic things. I don't even understand a thing. Priroda? Voda? I mean what language is that?"

"It's bulgarian. Well it's not that hard, for us though. But for you it will be a little bit complex."he said, smirking.

"Oh thanks a lot Alexander for giving me such an encouragement. I'm so honoured." I said while rolling my eyes. "Oh you're most welcome newbie." then we both laugh.

"Hey Alex, already so close with each other eh?" I was a little bit startled to hear someone from behind me.

"Seriously Dylan, you could give me a heart attack just now.". Dylan just laugh. I look at this Dylan guy. He is quite good looking. His short hair is blonde. His eyes are the colour of the sky.
"Hey new girl, fallen for me already? Guess I don't have to use my specialty to make you fall for me eh."he said. He lowers his head to look at me closely. And I must say this is too close! I could feel his breath. I was about to object when I heard Dylan groan with pain. "Ouch! Who hit me?"

"Enough already Mr Casanova. She only begun school today and you already bullying her. That's mean don't you know."
"Violet! Why are you always inteferring my stuff?! Can't you leave me alone for once?!"said Dylan, rubbing his head.

Violet? I look at her and my jaws drop a little."Why are you looking at me like that?" she must have realized I was staring at her. "Oh don't get the wrong idea. It's because you are so beautiful." I admit it. Her long straight purple hair is so shiny. And her eyes. I love looking at her eyes. They are purple in colour. Dark purple.

"Hey tomboy! Will you please just stay out from interferring me? I'm not even bullying her. She accidently fall for me. What can you say?"

Violet gave Dylan a deadly stare. "What did you call me?
"Call what? Oh do you mean that word, tomboy?!" they continue to give each other deadly stares. I could feel the tense around us. Just then... Splash!

"Cool enough for both of you?" said Alex. They both got drenched. Well I got it too but just a little though. "Hey Alex you want to go next?! Ha?!" then they turn to Alex. Alex is struggling to get away from them.

"Hahaha guys please stop it already. I think my stomach is going to burst for laughing too much." I said laughing my heart out. We didn't realize it until we are all laughing.

"We didn't even introduce ourselves yet. I'm Violet. Violet James. Let's be friend ok. And this casanova here is Dylan Jonathan. Just call him casanova. It suits him well."Violet smirk at Dylan.

"Hey why are you doing the intro for me?" "Oh no, there we go again." before they could even start to punch each other noses, Alex interupted.

"Oh man, my glasses has got wet. Gotta wipe them off." I quickly search for my lens wipe. After I take off my glasses, I am a little shock. "Umm... Mia, you ok?" they look at me worrying about me. "Dylan!" "W..what?"
"Could you please stand at that corner and write a letter. Please."
I said, putting on my puppy eyes.

"Oh fine." He goes to one of the corner and pick up a pen and paper and writes a letter for me. I look at the letter for a long time. "It's true. I can't believe this. Oh my God!" then I turn to Dylan and I run to him. He is shock that I run to him just to hug him. I could see his face turning red. It took me a minute to realize I was hugging him. I quickly let go of him.

" I'm so sorry Dylan. It's just I'm too happy right now. I don't have to see with my glasses anymore. Can you believe this?"I said happily. But Dylan didn't give any response. His face is still red. "Dylan, what's got into you?"

"Oh, guess Mr casanova has been beaten by our cute girl here eh?"
Alex and Violet both are teasing him. This makes his face even red.

"Ha! Wh...who said that I'm beaten? This casanova is perfectly fine. And just look at her. I, beaten by this plain-looking human? Hah you gotta be joking here." Dylan continues to laugh mockingly at me. I don't know why but my throat and eyes are starting to burn.

"Haha,yeah that's funny. Well, I think I'm going now. Yea you know I just got here and I need to unpack my bags and stuff. Hmm...yea. So see ya later. Bye." then I quickly grab my bag and leave the classroom.

I could hear Alex and Violet calling out my name but I simply ignore it. What can I say? I'm very sensitive when it comes to that.

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