chapter 17

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"This is all your fault!" "If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't be happening!" "You killed my family!" "MONSTER!"

'No, stop, please... I didn't mean to do it... It wasn't my fault... I beg you please... Please stop... " I said as tears flowing down my cheeks rapidly. I tried to stop the voice from entering my head by covering both of my ears but it didn't work. It is as if it's coming from my head.

I closed my eyes shut to avoid the voice but it's getting even worse than before. "Master..." I heard a voice said. It echoed through the darkness. First I could only hear one voice then two and three and it goes on and on until it felt like there's million of them. They were screaming the word master over and over again.

"Please just STOP!" I shouted loudly at nothing. But the voices were gone. Silent surrounds me and I was relief for a second to not hear those voices.

"What's wrong dear?" Startled by a voice coming from my back, I quickly back away from it only to be stopped as I can't move yet again. "It's you." I said to her. It's the lady in my dreams. Her body, her hair, her face is the same. And her smile is what I can't stand the most, it always send a chill on my spine. Her eerie smile. I happened to glance at my feet and it was the same hand holding me down. The same skinless, rotten hand that was in my dream.

It slowly crept on my face and body making me look at something... But i know what was going to happen. And it turns out it was exactly what I thought. The little me holding a bloody knife, while hovering with her black wings. Her head was held down making some of her hair covered her face.

'No, please, let go of me.'  I tried to struggle away but those things kept holding my body even tighter. "Sis..."
The girl said. I focused back at her and she was already in front of me, with her knife on my neck. "Ufufu, you must be scared of me right now aren't you sis?" She said, smiling widely at me. I tried to hide my fear but it didn't work.

"You know that your fear is my pleasure. It will make me want to kill you more and more every time you show that cute face of yours."she said that as she stroke my cheek with the knife. "You're so useless when you don't use your power for killing. You should have let me control you that time, we almost killed her." Her face began to frown, like she was really unsatisfied.

"If I didn't pushed you away that time, I would have lost a friend. Lucy was a good friend. She was just misguided by Queen Sapphire." I said to her. After I said that her face started to cringe of disgust. "She tried to kill you! She--"

"Don't you mean she tried to kill you? The uncontrollable monster that killed people for fun? If that's the case, I should have let her kill you. So that you will exist no more." I suddenly have the courage to talk to the little me. It's as if I'm trying to fight my very own fear that I've build up this whole years. She was taken aback by my sudden response.

I got up from the hands that was holding me easily, not like before I face her. "I can't fix what I did in the past but I can create it better for the future. And most importantly, I can't let you control my body ever again! It's mine!" I slapped the knife away from my face so hard that it went flying a few metres back from us.

"Flames, Heed my command, and be a part of me!" Flames started to appear from the ground and slowly wrapping my body. The girl tried to trap me inside a ball made from earth. But I got out easily as my transformation was complete. Right now, my eyes are both scarlet red, my left wing was fire as it indicates the full version of the power that I'm using, my right wing was still black and my clothes. They were the same as my wings. The left one was red and the right one is black. (Picture of the outfit is above. Ignore the high heels OK.).

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