Chapter 8

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After that incident, things were back to normal. Except for the damage at that place. Although it's been months now, the workers are still working on the damage.

Well, on the bright side, everybody in class starts to accepting me as one of their kinds. Well, except for the red-haired guy and this girl name Veronica. I just wish they weren't here.

Just then, someone pluck his finger in front of me. "Hey human! Are going to teach me or what?" "Huh? Oh yea. Umm... Where were we?" I fluster a bit.

It not like me to act like this. Not at all. For some reason, this should be an exception. You know why? Cause I'm teaching the guy who nearly killed me a few months ago.

'I wouldn't end up like this if it weren't for that damn teacher.
I curse my teacher. Note: don't do this to your teachers.

Two weeks ago...

"Ok everybody. Listen up! Today I'll be giving all of you your examination sheet." as Mr Smith said that, the class suddenly became quiet.

Maybe they were all nervous to get their marks. "Hey feeling nervous already?" Alex nudge me. I tried to smile but it came out to be more like a forced one.

"Why? Aren't you nervous?"
"Nah. I've always score first place in this class." he put his glasses down on the table. "Well, I can see that." I smirk at him. let me tell you. He looks like a nerd when he put his glasses on. I mean where did he get those glasses? It's really ugly.
"I know right. Wait, what?"

I laugh at him for being so late at picking every word I said.
"Alexander Beckham! You've done quite well in this test too. Congratulations." everybody in class was clapping and cheering for him. Oh, what a happy sight it is!

"Mia Adams! Come here!" the moment he said that everybody went quiet. I swallowed my saliva a bit. What did I do wrong? Whatever this is, it's must have been worse cause his face is so scary right now.

"Mia... You know what have you done right? I know you only have been in this school this year, but I'm concern about your marks here." he paused.

I heard somebody snickered at me. I look at it and it was that girl. The one that called me pathetic. She is mocking me obviously. Well, she isn't the only one that was happy to see me in trouble. Veronica!

"Quiet all of you!" then everything went silence again. "You think when you mock somebody,your grades will rise up,huh? I didn't even tell you yet why I called her here. You think that you're so special that you can easily insult someone? You're dead wrong, kids!" he pause to take a breath. I notice he glanced at me while saying all that.

"And to your information, this girl here,who YOU think is dumb, got the second place in class. How'd ya like that?" there was a pin-drop silence at that time. I was shocked too.

'My God! This has to be a dream come true!' for your information every teachers in this academy knows all about that day. But I didn't think that they were all so caring.
"She cheated!" Great! Here comes the voice from heaven.

"And why do you think so?" the teacher said. I look at her. Man, why is this girl always butt in with my happiness?

"She can't be that smart,right? She's just a human. Humans aren't that smart like us! She cheated!" she said. Everybody just sigh. Some has the bored expression on their faces. Like seriously.

Then, I started to walk to her. I was smiling mockingly at her. More like smirking.
"Oh pardon me 'excellent' creature, I'm so sorry for being dumb, but do you really have any evidence that I cheated? You know pictures or eye witnesses? No? Well, that's a big problem eh for accusing someone innocent. You should get rid of your prejudices about humans. Not only me."

I looked at her face. She hung her head down. She is quiet again. I mock her a little and went back to Mr Smith. I could hear everybody started cheering at me. Ah! I could feel the victory.

I thanked Mr Smith and went back to my seat. I sit down and look at Veronica. Oh poor little girl! she must be sad. Puh! Like I care about it.

"Mia!! You ok? Are you still the Mia I know?" Then I snap out of it. I look at Alex."Oh no. Don't tell me I did it again." Alex nods slowly. No!!! Why is this happening? everytime I get mad and fed up with that nosy girl, my character always seems to change. Things can't get worse than this.

"Alex, Mia, I'm going to have both of you teach these two friends of yours. Any objection? No? Ok." I was about to raise up my hand but he just continued. Great!

"Then Alex, I'll be assigning you with Lucien over here. And Mia, teach him." he pointed to the red-haired guy. Victor! Are you serious?! This must be a joke.

"Umm...Sir..." "Yes Adams, you have a problem with this?" he said looking at me with that scary face. Mr Smith is so scary sometimes.

"Well about teaching..." "Are you trying to object me?" ah! Here it is again. He always gives this killer aura if someone tries to object him.

"Oh no,absolutely not Sir. I was just thinking if we should do it according to our own time." What am I saying? He just stares at me.

"Oh, you are the one to teach them. Anywhere and anytime is fine." he smiles.
"Oh,and one more thing. I want both of you to teach them and make them the next top 10 in class."

"Yes, sir!" we both said. But I started realized it. "Wait... What?!"
"Ok, class over. Toodles."

End of flashback.

I seriously hate that teacher. Really. Thanks to him, now this guy is in front of me now. I don't hate him. I'm just... ARGH! I don't know. And to make him top ten? Let's just started already shall we?

"Ok, what do you want to ask me? Maybe I can help you in a way or two." he just look at me and didn't say a thing. He turns to look away. Is he ignoring me?!

"Ahem, are you even listening to me?"
"Why would a creature like me listen to some filthy human like you?" filthy? Oh my! This boy is asking for some trouble.

"Pardon me?" he didn't even care what I said. Still looking at me but now he is eyeing me up and down. After done with what he is doing, he smirks. What's that suppose to mean?

"Man, I never thought that you would be this plain." he keeps laughing at me.

"Well pardon me for being plain and filthy, you jerk!" great! Now, I've lost my patience. Then we were both staring at each other.

It feels like he is saying, 'what you want, stupid human? Can't you leave me alone?'

Suddenly, he took his bag and straight to the door. "Hey where are you going? I didn't teach you anything yet!" he turn back to look at me, just to make me see his annoyed face.

"I don't want to be teached by someone who doesn't even want to teach me at the first place. Plus, you don't even like me the first place. So yeah, kinda weird if you teach someone you don't like right. Jaa ne! "

Then he left. I am stumped. Everything he said is true. Man, I really hate this feelings. Guiltyness. He needs my help in teaching him but I blew it up. Good job Mia! You just won the Oscar award. Seriously.

I promise. Tomorrow I will make up to him.


Sorry for the late update. I've been busy lately. And for the lame chap. Sorry for everything.

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