Chapter One

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She has an awful churning sensation in her stomach from the guilt of leaving Regina's mother's house so abruptly when all she wanted to do was make a killer first impression but she had to leave. Her father called, all frantic and distracted, saying she needs to come home right away. Unfortunately, he refused to offer any important details over the phone but she can just feel it in her gut that her mother needs her.

So, she decided to make her way back to Storybrooke first, so she can pack a small bag and inform Graham that she needs to leave... again. She rather tell him in person than over the phone since she already took three days off. Which in hindsight she should have never done knowing her mother's situation at home.

Luckily, as she drives through town, she spots his old, beat-up truck parked outside of Granny's. In a haste, she jerks her wheel and pulls into the spot next to his. She leaps out her car, her body buzzing with all kinds of nervous energy because what if he says no, what if something is very serious with her mom again? God, she's been so good lately.

"Graham?" She shouts the moment she steps into the diner. She finds him almost immediately in the back, chucking darts rather aggressively at the board. She swallows, approaching her boss cautiously, not knowing where his head is at this evening. "Graham, I have to go back to Boston. I'm so sorry to do this again but I have to leave right now."

He glances out of the corner of his eye and throws another dart with all that pent-up rage that's been bottling up for far too long now. She can so clearly see the sweat prickling at his hairline and it's so very hard to ignore the stench of stale alcohol wafting from him. She scans his appearance, taking in his button down shirt slightly untucked near his lower abdomen and now she fully comprehends how drunk he really is.

"Emma? What can I get you?" Ruby gently asks as she strolls up to them like maybe she needs to be a buffer.

Those bright eyes flick nervously back and forth between herself and Graham and Emma knows she's uncomfortable from her body language. She just hasn't a clue as to why.

"Nothing," she politely declines, her eyes sweeping up and down her boss once more. "And I think he's done too."

"He's been cut off, don't worry," Ruby sadly states, then moseys on back to the counter.

"I'll try and be back as quickly as possible," she says but Graham just grunts and chucks another dart against the board. "Okay," she scoffs because she really doesn't have time for this right now.

She spins around on her heels and scurries toward the door, needing to get back to Boston. Just as she reaches for the door handle, a dart comes flying right past her head and sticks into the wooden door frame next to her.

"What the hell?" She seethes, whipping around to glare murderously at her drunk boss. "That could've hit me!"

"I never miss," he confidently smirks with an exaggerated wink that droops a little from how intoxicated he is.

"I'm leaving, Graham. I will call you tomorrow and let you know what the plan is and when I should be back," she huffs in annoyance and then whirls around to storm off toward her car.

Much to her disappointment, she hears Graham's heavy boots stomping right behind her to chase her to the car.

"Have a drink with me," he blurts out. "Don't run away. Let me explain why I'm drunk right now."

"It's none of my business, really," she exasperates, rolling her eyes and proceeding to stomp toward her car so hopefully he will understand that she's blowing him off.

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