Chapter Sixteen

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"Madam Mayor?"

"Yes," Regina quickly answers, leaping up from her chair, and rushing to the doctor's side.

The doctor nervously rubs the back of his neck, convincing Emma's heart to sink to the pit of her stomach. The only thing that's crossing her mind right now, is that Graham didn't make it through surgery. She glances over at Henry who is tucked safely into Ruby's side, clenching onto her shirt for dear life and her heart just aches knowing that he probably believes the same thing.

"Sheriff Graham has made it through surgery."

Regina exhales the deepest breath of relief that her chest actually caves in. Her fingers cling to the thick sweater above her chest, and Emma observes as she clenches the fabric so tight that her knuckles morph into a ghostly white.

"Oh, thank god," Regina breathes, her eyes fluttering closed and thanking whomever is listening.

"He's still in critical condition though. We have high hopes that he will make a full recovery but that next part is up to Graham."

There's a sorrowful expression consuming the doctor's face, conveying that there might be a chance where Graham doesn't wake up. Emma wants to interrupt and interrogate him but she decides against it because she doesn't want to cause anymore stress or worry to Regina and Henry.

"When can we see him?" Regina inquires, nervously biting at her thumbnail.

And that's a new habit Emma has never really seen before.

"You and your son can see him now, but immediate family only," the doctor informs her with a stern expression that means all business.

Regina's already nodding her head vigorously though. "Of course," she solemnly concedes before she turns around to face her son. "Come on, Henry, let's go see your father."

Henry leaps from Ruby's arms and dashes over to his mother. Regina takes his small hand into hers, bringing it to her lips, so she can softly place a kiss to the back of his hand and smile down upon her son. This small action has Emma's heart bursting with love for this woman and she cannot stop her mind from thinking how much she would love to raise more children with her.

She shakes her head because now is not the time or the place.

Once Regina and Henry leave the waiting room area, she receives a swift swat to her upper arm from her mother. Instinctively she rubs the abused area even though there's not even a sting left behind.

"Ow, what was that for?" She grumbles.

Her mom glares at her through those stern, pointed eyes, convincing Emma that it would be best if she just shriveled up and disappeared from this moment.

"You are sleeping with your boss's wife?" Mary Margret hisses through a hushed whisper.

Emma bites down on her bottom lip, her eyes nervously flicking back and forth between her parents. She really can't find anything intelligent to say, so she shrugs her shoulders and drops her gaze to the ground knowing that she is caught. Her mother gasps while her father rubs his mouth and jaw. The moment is heavy and weighted and too much time is passing and she needs to say something at this point.

"Well, to be fair, she's his boss too," she weakly argues.

"That's not helping your case, Emma," her dad harshly scolds, causing her to wince.

"Well...I, uh...I couldn't help it," she blurts out in exasperation, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "I've never felt this way before. Obviously, if you two have met someone I'm dating, then you know I'm serious about her. We all spent Christmas together," she attempts to defend her inappropriate actions but she knows this whole thing got out of hand.

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