Chapter Nine

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Monday morning rolled around a lot faster than she had hoped for.

She arrived at the station earlier than her scheduled time because she wanted to try and make up for her time off. Much to her surprise, she found a large pile of paperwork on her desk the moment she walked in. She briefly wondered if this was Graham's revenge against her for turning him down or ratting him out to his ex for his inappropriate behavior. Either way, she held her head high and began working on the massive stack.

He can be as mad as he wants and shove as much grunt work her way, in the end, she got the girl and that's all that matters.

Around nine, she hears Graham shuffling into the station with his heavy boots. The moment he steps into view, his eyes rake over the pile of work she has completed so far. His hazel irises shift toward the clock, and then back toward her desk. His face scrunches up in confusion, inspiring a cocky smirk to creep along her face.

"What time did you get in?"

"Around six," she informs her boss as professional as possible while she proceeds with her work.

She pretends like he didn't try and kiss her, like she hasn't been sleeping with his wife, and how fucked up their dynamic truly is. And even though her hand is starting to cramp, she keeps going.

"Your shift didn't start until eight."

"I know," she exhales slowly, finally setting her pen down and lifting her head to meet his intense gaze.

He looks absolutely exhausted and defeated. His thick curls are still wet, so she knows he showered, but his eyes are so puffy with swollen bags below, expressing that maybe he didn't sleep last night. His scruffy face appears much paler and for a split second, she feels guilty for stealing his wife.

"Um," she clears her throat, "I felt bad for leaving again and I know this doesn't make up for it, but I wanted you to know that I sincerely apologize. I'm also willing to take on some extra hours for you as a thank you for being so flexible."

Graham sighs and simply nods before disappearing into his office, slamming the door behind him. She inhales sharply and then picks up her travelers mug and heads over to the coffee station. She needs to stretch her legs and a change of scenery would be nice because her eyes feel as though she is going cross-eyed from all that paperwork. She pours some coffee into her mug and adds some cream and sugar.

That's when she hears the all too familiar sound of heels clicking against the cement floor. Her heart flutters knowing Regina isn't too far away. And maybe she has to sip her coffee in an attempt to contain the stupid grin spreading across her face. She's such a sucker for this woman.

"Deputy Swan," Regina coldly greets her the moment their eyes meet across the room.

And what the hell? Her heart sinks wondering what her girlfriend could possibly be upset with her about?

"Madam Mayor," she volleys back in a low growl, knowing exactly what that name does to her thanks to her little confession.

Regina's upper lip twitches the slightest bit but she does a damn good job keeping her composure. Their fun and games end the minute Graham's office door swings open. They both snap their heads toward the sheriff exiting his office and Emma has to sip her coffee again to hide her scowl at the man for ruining the moment.

"Regina," Graham exhales, his shoulders slumping in defeat like saying her name sucks all the energy from his body.

Now, Emma feels bad, they broke this man.

"Graham, where are your weekly reports? They were supposed to be on my desk Friday morning."

Emma has never heard Regina's voice so cold and angry before and she hates it. She glances at Graham but he seems unfazed by her tone. Damn, is this how they always spoke to one another? No wonder they didn't last.

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