Chapter Eleven

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She builds a roaring fire for Regina and herself as her girlfriend pours some red wine for their evening together. They settle down in front of the glowing flames, relishing in the calming heat that disperses from the fireplace. If she's being honest with herself, she is feeling a bit nervous about Regina's Christmas gift but the second she laid eyes on it, she knew it was made for Regina.

Regina places her hand on top of hers, successfully dragging her from those wandering thoughts.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous," Regina notes, her eyes so soft and vulnerable and Emma melts.

"I'm fine," she mutters, waving her off as she fumbles for her present behind her back. "Merry Christmas, Regina," she shyly whispers, holding the present that's wrapped in gold and white with a silver bow decorating the top.

Regina's face cracks into a shy smile, her fingers wrapping tightly around the gift. She is awfully quiet, just staring down at the wrapping paper like she's apprehensive to see what's inside or maybe because she's not really used to people buying her presents.

"Open it," Emma encourages, a loving smile dancing across her face.

Regina observes intently as Emma fingers nervously fiddle together, expressing how anxious she is. Her girlfriend flashes an adorable smile and then begins to delicately unwrap the paper as if she is going to save the wrapping in the end. Her slender fingers dip inside the paper, gently pulling out the long, black, velvet box. Brown eyes instantly flick to wholesome green, full of curiosity before her gaze drifts back down to the gift. Emma bites the inside of her bottom lip as the air grows thick with anticipation.

Regina's thumbs press into the slit, slowly popping the top of the box open. Those beautiful eyes expand to their fullest potential as her teeth clamp down on her bottom lip. She is trying her hardest to fight back a smile but Emma knows her a little too well by now.

"Emma," she gasps, her index finger gently gliding across each diamond that runs the length of the entire bracelet, "this...this is too much. These aren't real diamonds are they?"

Emma's nose scrunches from the comment. "Why wouldn't they be?" She questions, tilting her head curiously while reaching for the box.

Carefully, she pulls out the bracelet and sets the velvety box on the ground beside her.

"Emma, this must have cost you a fortune."

"That's not important. What's important is if you like it or not." Tenderly, she takes Regina's right hand and drapes the bracelet across her dainty wrist. "The second I saw this in the store, I knew it was made just for you," she explains, connecting the clasp and repositioning the diamond bracelet on her wrist.

The diamonds appear to be dancing as they sparkle and shine against the flames blazing beside them. And suddenly, Emma feels confident again and proud of her gift.

"Emma, I am the mayor, don't forget I know what your income is," Regina deadpans, but her soul attention is on that bracelet, admiring each diamond.

Emma just laughs and shakes her head as she leans in and places a soft kiss to her girlfriend's cheek.

"That doesn't mean anything. I might just be an excellent saver," she muses, provoking those brown eyes to roll in annoyance. "Umm, d-do you like it?"

"Of course, I do! How could I not? It's absolutely stunning," Regina vows, cupping her chin and swaying forward to press those silky lips to hers. "Thank you," she mutters into the kiss. "I really love it."


Emma smiles against her lips before slipping a hand behind her neck and tugging her in closer to deepen the kiss. As soon as Emma parts her lips to taste her girlfriend, Regina quickly jerks away and places her index finger against Emma's mouth.

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