Chapter Thirteen

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Her lips are slightly parted as she breathes heavily on the floor, staring in shock at her hands stained with his blood. Blood that she has drawn because she pulled the trigger. Her entire body twitches, trembling uncontrollably because in all honesty, she is terrified to look over at Regina and discover why she released an ear-piercing scream.

She doesn't know if Regina was shot or Graham and she is so utterly lost in her own mind from fear, that she can't seem to find the strength to move from her spot. She can't look, she can't accept that Regina has been shot because she will completely lose her mind if something happens to her.

"Emma!" She hears Regina's painful scream again and god, why does it sound like she's struggling to breathe?

Her whole body quivers involuntarily but she somehow summons the courage to stand from the ground. She needs to protect Regina, despite her own fear and nerves about what's to come.

The moment she stands on her own two feet, her knees grow weak but it's not Regina. It's Graham. She dashes over to the duo and kneels down next to Regina. Her girlfriend's hands are violently shaking drenched in blood as they hover over Graham's chest.

"Em-ma," she gasps through a broken breath.

Her voice is thick with unshed tears and heartache and Emma knows Regina won't survive if she watches another man she loved die in her arms.

"I know, it's going to be okay, just keep applying pressure," Emma sweetly coos, sounding so in control even though she is spinning viciously into a world of what-ifs.

She reaches into her back pocket and slides out her phone, desperately trying to ignore the blood smearing against the device. Her fingers tap furiously against the screen to dial 9-11, then she proceeds to hand the phone over to Regina.

"I already dialed, tell them to send an ambulance," her own voice surprises her at how calm she sounds but she knows she has to be brave for Regina.

Regina simply nods and holds the phone to her ear. Emma instantly rips off her jacket and places the coat over Graham's bleeding wound. Her hands are already covered in Will's blood and she doesn't want to cause any problems for Graham, so she uses her jacket as a shield as she presses down firmly on the hole to slow down his bleeding.

"Graham," Emma finally takes a moment to peer into his eyes. Thankfully, he is still conscious but she can so clearly see the struggle on his face. "You're going to be fine, okay? Just keep your eyes on me. Listen to my voice," she instructs with all the confidence she can muster up but she is sure he doesn't believe a single word pouring from her mouth.

Frankly, she doesn't know if she believes herself. She has no idea how close this wound is to his heart, anything can happen now.


"No, no, no. Ssshhh," she coos, shaking her head rapidly from left to right. "It's better if you don't speak. Save your energy."

"The sheriff...he's been, shot..." Regina's voice finally registers in Emma's brain and her girlfriend is trying to speak but the dam finally broke and she's crying hysterically now. "Chest," she heaves out, her whole body trembling uncontrollably as she desperately tries to suck in as much air as possible.

"You better take care of my wife and son," Graham whispers but Emma is still furiously shaking her head. She can't do this right now.

"No, no, that's your job. They need you, Graham. You're Henry's hero," finally her voice gives under the pressure, cracking as a warm tear rolls down her cheek.

The worst part is the sinking sensation in her chest and she's so damn angry with herself for acting so petty earlier and arguing over Regina at the station. All she wants to do is reverse the clock, stop that argument from happening, stop this incident from ever occurring.

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