Chapter Ten

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Her parents drove to Storybrooke the day before Christmas Eve, and plan on staying until after New Year's Day.

Yesterday was Christmas Eve and she spent the day with her parents decorating her apartment. This is her first holiday in Storybrooke, so she really didn't have a lot of decorations to work with. She figured she would be driving back to Boston for the holidays and so she didn't need to fill her house with lights and have a color theme but that all changed when Regina stepped into her life.

Her parents insisted on a real tree this year. So, they spent the day in the bitter cold, bundled up on a lot, trying to find the perfect tree for her mother since she was in such high spirits. Mary Margret eventually found one she adored and so Emma helped her dad cut the tree down. Honestly, she thought it was far too big and she may have spent most of the drive home complaining that it wasn't going to fit in her narrow halls. Her dad, being the man he is...made it fit.

The rest of the evening was quite relaxing. Some much-needed family time, decorating the tree together while drinking hot chocolate with a dash of cinnamon sprinkled on top. Her mother's secret little ingredient to the rich beverage.

Unfortunately, she didn't hear too much from Regina but she knew she was trying to spend as much time as possible with Henry before he had to leave in the morning. Besides, her mother was over as well and they were probably having a quiet family night together as well. She just really wished she could be there with both of them in the morning.

It's a dream, one she knows won't become a reality for quite some time but she's willing to wait as long as Regina wants.

Around six forty-five in the morning, she receives a picture from Regina and just like that, her heart soars. It's an adorable little picture of Henry sitting in front of the Christmas tree in his festive pajamas. Then comes another moment captured of Henry scoping out all the presents under the tree.

Her heart skips a beat and never has she ever felt such a loving response to a child. Frankly, she isn't the biggest fan of kids, not that she doesn't want them. She knows she will love her future children, she just doesn't particularly like other people's kids. But Henry, well, she's a big softy for that kiddo.

Emma grins wildly at her phone, her heart longing to be with them this morning. She pouts, snuggling further under her blanket and begins typing away her response.

"Awww! He looks so cute!"

"Six-thirty, Miss Swan! Not cute, that's the earliest he has ever woken up for Christmas."

"He's just excited. I wish I could be there with you guys!"

"I know. Next year, Emma."

Emma's heart wiggles all around her chest like an overactive little puppy.

"Whoa, you're already making plans for next year? Slow down woman!"

"Be nice or you won't receive your Christmas present tonight."

Emma swallows, so nervous about what Regina could have possibly purchased for her and slightly self-conscious wondering if their presents will align. So she deflects.

"All I want for Christmas is you! Well...a naked you!"

"Emma Swan...naughty list!"

"Damn right! Go have some fun with Henry and send me lots of pictures. I love you."

"I love you too and Merry Christmas."

She smiles one more time at her phone before climbing off the couch to make some coffee. Since her parents are staying there and she only has a one-bedroom apartment, she insisted they take her room.

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