Chapter Twelve

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"Graham, can you explain to me what happened?" Emma investigates. "Who would break in somewhere on Christmas morning?"

Again, she is filling out more weekly reports as punishment but she doesn't dare complain. She doesn't want to pour gasoline on his burning flames because she knows he has his suspicions about her relationship with Regina. Especially after finding Emma at the house Christmas morning. It's only been two days and she can still feel the tension as if they are still standing in that foyer, glaring at one another.

"I don't know, it must have been some teenagers," Graham exhales like he's annoyed by her interest in the case.

He pours himself his fourth cup of coffee of the day and it's only noon but she pretends she doesn't notice how tired he is. She supposes he doesn't know how exhausting taking care of a child by himself can be.

"There was no damage inside. Nothing was stolen." He shrugs carelessly and slams the coffee pot back on the burner. "I wouldn't even know where to begin."

"Where was it?"

"The library," he mumbles into his mug.

"Clearly some teenagers or a homeless guy," she laughs, turning her attention back to the paperwork on her desk.

"This is Storybrooke, Emma, not Boston. We don't have homeless people around here," he scoffs like she's an idiot but she just keeps her head low and focuses on her job.

She really doesn't want to rock the boat with him.

Unexpectedly, her phone buzzes against the wooden desk. She glances over to see a text message appear from Regina. Her attention darts over to Graham to find him already studying her intently. She averts her gaze back to the paperwork and ignores the message. Except, her phone vibrates again, slowly dancing across her desk. She remains focused though, head low while her eyes sneak a peek of Regina's name on her screen again. Her nose scrunches up knowing her boss is still keeping a watchful eye on her. So, she ignores her girlfriend's message again. It isn't long before another text comes through.

"Aren't you going to take that?" Graham questions in a condescending tone.

Now she knows he's fairly confident on his suspicions of his ex and his employee and he would love nothing more than to catch them in the act.

She lifts her head and flashes him a shit-eating grin. "Nope, I'm good," is all she chirps before dropping her attention back down to the paperwork.

She hears Graham's heavy boots stomp against the hard cement below. Out of the corner of her eye, she takes note that he's headed her way. She inhales sharply and slowly exhales out all her frustrations. And she's just praying that Regina won't text her again and light up her phone. Her boss hikes one leg up and teeters on the edge of her desk.

She keeps her head low and dutifully continues filling out the weekly reports even though she wants to shove him right off her desk. His hand reaches out and for a split second she thinks he might actually snatch up her phone but instead, he nervously rubs the back of his neck.

"You know..." he drags out the words, slow and deliberate, needing her attention, "...if a man was to steal another man's wife, one would assume he wouldn't be a coward and not admit his actions."

She smirks, all cocky and too proud, then takes a gander up at her boss on her desk. She slowly sits back against her chair and twists the pen between her fingers.

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not a man," she declares with conviction as she stares right back into his eyes. The sheriff's hazel eyes squint with anger as he holds her gaze, peering down at her . "And if a man loses his wife to begin with, then that man only has himself to blame for neglecting his intelligent, beautiful, funny, sexy, and loving wife."

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