Chapter Six

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Her fingertips dance lightly against olive flesh on the back of Regina's hand. When she reaches her delicate fingers, she nudges Regina's hand up, so she can feel the warmth of her palm. The pads of her fingers skim across Regina's palm and up her fingers. Together, they study as their hands dance silently to their perfect rhythm to join as one.

Moments like this are by far Emma's favorite part of their relationship; lying in each other's arms with their fingers fiddling against one another's. It's intimate, soothing, and it always washes away the stress in her life.

She will admit, when she turned sixteen and her mother fell apart and her dad drowned right alongside of her, she was a lost girl. She turned to sex as a coping mechanism. She didn't know how else to deal with her problems and at the time, it seemed to work. As years progressed, she became addicted to the idea of thinking that sex was helping her cope.

That was until she met Regina. She has never felt such comfort from one person. Just one thought of her and the rest of the world disappears, and all the bags that go along with it subsides.

Suddenly, Regina's warmth disappears as her body pulls away from her, tearing Emma away from her wandering thoughts. She glances to her right, observing as Regina's body slides on top of hers. One corner of Emma's mouth curls up as those raven tresses fall in front of her face.

"Emma," and then Regina takes a deep breath, peering down into her curious eyes. "You know all two people I have been with..."

"Three," she corrects her with an all too proud smile.

"Yes, three," Regina concedes, dipping down to quickly peck her lips as confirmation. "H-how..."

"How many have I been with?" She blurts out with a light laugh.


"Well, there was this girl, Lonnie, she's the reason my parents knew I was also into girls." Emma chuckles softly to herself but continues because Regina is looking very nervous and maybe a little queasy. "Then came Neal, followed by Jazzy, Ariel and then you," she admits, shrugging her shoulders so carelessly while brushing some hair out of her girlfriend's face.

"That's it?" Her voice cracks on the simple question and she's so cute that Emma can't help the small chuckle that escapes.

"That's it," she vows, beaming confidently and then stretching forward to capture her lips.

She sneaks her hand beneath those thick locks and cups the back of her neck to pull her in closer, so she can deepen the kiss. Their lips part at the same time for their tongues to join as one and happily dance together. Emma hums, losing herself in the moment and surrendering to the pleasure.

"No...Emma," Regina gasps, turning her face to break the kiss. "Your parents are down the hall."

"Then you are just going to have to be very quiet," she strictly instructs, easily flipping Regina onto her back.

Emma gathers Regina's wrists and pins them above her head while she slowly rolls her hips, eliciting a soft moan from her girlfriend.

"No, seriously, Em..." Regina groans but Emma is busy sucking her neck between her teeth. Regina moans, hopelessly at the mercy of Emma. "We..." she groans again and she knows she has Regina right where she wants her. ", we shouldn't."

She ignores the mindless rambling, trailing tantalizing kisses down her neck and across her chest. When she reaches the top of her breasts, she sucks the flesh once again, ready to paint another claim of ownership. Regina's hips instantly buck into her lower abdomen which has Emma moaning as well in appreciation.

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