Chapter Four

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Regina cautiously slides into the leather booth, being extra conscious of her short dress. It's absolutely impossible for that woman to bend over without revealing anything that's for Emma's eyes only. Unexpectedly, this feeling to protect swells in Emma's chest and she finds herself scooting as close as humanly possible to her girlfriend.

"Is this your own private booth, Swan?" Regina sasses in that sultry tone that always makes her skin breakout in goosebumps.

"It's not my own"

She lightly pecks her cheek, nuzzling her nose against her temple and breathing in that alluring scent of lavender. God, what is this woman doing to her, it's like she's trapped under her spell and can't think clearly whenever she's around. She pecks her cheek one last time and offers her some space.

She nervously strums her fingers against the thick wooden table. They dressed rather quickly and left her parents' house in a rush and she hasn't really had the opportunity to ask Regina why she wanted to come back here. And suddenly she's feeling extremely anxious.

She peeks out of the corner of her eye, studying the way Regina is intently scanning each room on display this evening. No longer apprehensive or shy about admiring. It's a Monday night, so the club is a lot quieter than it normally is. If Regina wants to explore in one of those rooms, she picked a great night to start. Each room is occupied this evening  but there aren't many patrons watching.

"Hello, Swan and..." the waitress stutters knowing the rules of the club.

"The Queen and Savior," Emma easily informs her.

Regina laughs, playfully shoving her shoulder while shaking her head in amusement.

"What can I get you two tonight?" The waitress kindly asks, setting down two coasters and some extra napkins.

"Is Killian working?" Regina inquires. "Those apple martinis were delicious last time."

"Yes, Killian is always working," Emma laughs and nods toward the waitress. She returns the gesture and scurries away into the dark club. "So," she carefully begins, stealing Regina's attention over the interesting rooms, "how come you wanted to come here tonight?"

Regina's fingers lightly dance over her hand that is still nervously strumming against the table. That flawless face encloses the gap between them, but only their noses kiss. Emma swallows thickly.

"I told you last time that we would return, didn't I?" Her warm breath tickles her lips and it takes everything in her not to break all the rules and take her amazing girlfriend right here.

" did, but why? Why did you want to come back?"

"Maybe I want to-"

"Swan!" Neal cheers, helping himself as he slides into their booth uninvited. She groans, frustration bubbling up inside that she didn't get to hear Regina's confession. "No shit, you brought her back!"

"Hello, Neal," her girlfriend politely greets him, pivoting in the booth so they are no longer touching. 

Emma's shoulders slump down in defeat, exhaling a rather annoyed breath. "What's up, Neal?"

"Not much," he hums, tapping his fingers on the table while his head bobs as if he is playing some sort of song.

Emma furrows her eyebrows, agitated and wondering if he just swooped in to annoy her.

"Is there a reason why you're here? We were in the middle of a conversation," she clips, trying to keep her temper under control as she glares at her friend, hoping he gets the message.

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