Chapter Fifteen

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"Emma," her mother gasps, dashing through the automatic sliding door into the hospital's lobby. Those forest-green eyes scan Emma's appearance, lingering on the clothes stained in blood. Her pale hands slightly shake as she covers her mouth and shakes her head. "Sweetie, are you alright? Are you hurt?" She investigates, eyes frantically in search of a wound of any kind.

"No, mom, I'm not hurt. I'm...I'm alright," she weakly claims, reaching for the duffel bag her dad has firmly gripped between his clenched fist at his side.

"Emma, what happened?" David investigates, flipping into cop mode and placing his free hand upon her shoulder for comfort.

"I-I..." she trails off from her stuttering from a new set of hot tears burning her eyes and blurring her vision before her. She shakes her head and drops her gaze to the floor in defeat. "Please, let me change first," she sadly mumbles, tugging the bag from her father.

She doesn't grant them the opportunity to say another word. She just turns on her heel and books it toward the nearest bathroom but a familiar voice calls her back.

"Emma!" She slowly lifts her heavy head and through her thick tears, she locates Ruby running along side of Henry. In a haste, she wipes away the warm liquid that's clinging to her cheeks and plasters on her best brave face. She doesn't want to scare Henry in any way. "Emma," Ruby gasps as she slows down right in front of her, curling her long fingers around the young boys shoulder's and squeezing lightly. "Where's Regina?"

She glances down to meet dark green eyes filled with tears. His bottom lip is quivering as he desperately tries to hold back his sobs. Her heart tightens deep in her chest, knowing the heartache that's bound to come for the young boy.

"Hey, guys," she chokes out the best that she can manage and wipes her nose with the back of her sleeve.

"Is that blood? Is that my dad's blood?" Henry inquires in such a stone-cold tone, she actually shudders. She chalks up his odd behavior to shock.

Her eyes drift back to Ruby's, to find her silently crying. Her small shoulders are heaving up and down while tears stream down her face, but she doesn't dare make a sound.

"I...kid, how about we find your mom?" Emma suggests, ruffling his thick hair but Henry instantly jerks away from her touch and breaks free from Ruby's clutches.

"Tell me, Emma! Is my dad going to be okay?" He screams so loud, forcing everyone around them to flinch.

Her parents are only a few feet away but she notices her mother coming to stand next to her.

"Henry, I'm Emma's mom, Mary Margret. I believe your mom would know more about your father's condition rather than Emma. How about we all go look for your mother?" Her mom calmly suggests as she bends down to be eye level with the distraught boy.

She always had a way with speaking to young children.

Henry nods frantically, his unshed tears trickling down his rosy cheeks. And then, he finally releases a harsh sob and turns to bury his face into Ruby's abdomen. She immediately locks her arms around his body and rubs his back soothingly.

After a brief moment, Ruby slowly moves back and grasps his small hand in her own. "Come on, sweetie, let's go find your mom."

Henry nods along and follows his aunt down the hall. Emma watches Ruby pull out her phone as they walk away, most likely to call Regina. Emma turns to the receptionist and asks if she's seen the mayor but she claims she hasn't. So, she decides to check the bathroom, thinking maybe Regina is hiding out and needing a moment by herself.

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