Chapter Twenty

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"Lily, just the person I want to speak with," August growls in a cold and eerie tone.

"I missed you too, baby," she enthuses, smiling brightly as she runs her fingers through his silk tie.

Emma physically shudders from her voice alone and she wants to vomit from the interaction. She despises this woman and there's nothing she wants more than to see her rotting away behind bars.

August ushers his girlfriend inside their office and shuts the door behind them. Emma and Neal leap to their feet, standing tall before the woman. Emma needs some control of this situation and sitting down, peering up at the woman would only make her feel weak.

Lily notices the action and sends a sly smirk in Emma's direction. Her stomach flips from the creepy gesture and she can't wait for this interaction to be over with.

"Emma," Lily begins in a fake high-pitched tone that reminds her of a cheerleader.

"Sit down," she coldly commands, narrowing her eyes as she observes the woman sit down in August's vacant chair.

August stalks over and to Emma's surprise, he stands right next to her with his arms folded across his chest, expressing that he's her partner. She feels a sense of pride in this moment and now she knows that he is, in fact, on her side and he wouldn't double-cross her.

All three glare dangerously at Lily but she doesn't waver. The woman sits calmly before them with her hands resting in her lap. Her leering eyes peer up at Emma with such innocence but she knows better.

"Would you care to explain who Will Scarlett is?" Emma begins the interrogation in a calm tone.

"I don't know who that is."

"Bull," Neal scoffs, standing just a tad taller and puffing out his chest.

"I honestly don't know what you are talking about," Lily vacantly claims, shrugging her shoulders so nonchalantly and appearing to be unaffected by their accusations. She almost appears bored.

Emma leans down, placing both her palms flat against the desk with nothing but hate burning from her gaze. She stares down upon the woman who is nothing more to her than a piece of trash after the way she ruined her life.

"Then how come this man claims you sent him to spy on me and threaten my girlfriend?" Emma inquires through a clenched jaw in hopes to coax Lily into speaking up.

"I don't know, Swan." She shakes her head one time and smiles up at her with a confident grin. "How is your girlfriend by the way?"

"Dammit, Lily!" She seethes, slamming her fist down onto the desk with all the pent-up rage vibrating through her body.

Lily doesn't even flinch. She proceeds to grin up at her, masking all her emotions and it just makes Emma's skin crawl.

August stomps around the desk and sits at the edge of the desk, right in front of his girlfriend. Lily doesn't dare break eye contact with Emma though.

"Lily, look at me," August demands, persuading her eyes to crawl toward his. "What did you do? I need to know. Scarlett got himself into a lot of trouble in Emma's town and he's blaming you for it."


"I know you're lying!" Emma violently screams, motivating Neal to place a soothing hand to her shoulder to calm her back down because they need answers, not more chaos.

She exhales her frustrations and leans back from the desk, bitterly folding her arms across like a bratty child who isn't getting her way. She is furious with this woman and if she doesn't start talking, she is going to wring her neck.

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