White Sheet

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You have a white sheet of paper. And it's your duty that you protect it.

If your paper gets stained it will be unwanted. Redundant. A waste.

Maybe you didn't mean to get it stained but that won't stop them from blaming you for it. Maybe you were too innocent to realise that the ink beside you could, in fact, destroy you. Maybe you were too ignorant to realise that the bottle's cap was unscrewed and any provocation could make the bottle tip over onto your paper; tainting it. It was your fault.

But they won't believe that.

They will say
"Why weren't you more careful?"
"Why were you near it?"

And maybe it was your fault. You should've kept your paper away. Perhaps in a locker? A desk? A file? Anywhere, but there; near the bottle. But you were to innocent. You just wanted to be different. You just wanted to be free.

Oh honey? Did you forget? Freedom is just a mere illusion, the hallucinations and imagination of a person who is caged away.

Freedom is a taboo in our society.

They said that you were going to destroy the paper. And it turns out, you did. They warned you. And when the paper was indeed destroyed they weren't there to help you, they didn't give you their 'social support'. They just said four words


They didn't have the right to warn you if they weren't going to help you when you took the wrong decision. Right? Wrong.

The white paper was crumpled, given dirty looks, trampled upon, abused over and over again until one day it couldn't withstand anymore and it was torn into pieces and trashed.

Now you have no white paper.
Now you won't be considered responsible.
Now you won't be considered worthy.

Only thing you're going to be considered is... unwanted.

You made a mistake and now you're going to face the consequences just because they only accept human beings with immaculate white papers, although their own papers have blemishes which have been hidden with 'whiteners'.

Your purity was the white paper.
'They' are our hypocrite society
Your innocence was the beginning
And the stain was the end.

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