First day Crush

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Hey guys. This is my first story so I'm sorry if it is bad, let me rephrase that I know its bad. So please don't hate it will get better I promise.

Erika's POV
Today is my first day of senior year. I am one of the most popular kids at school because my parents are really rich. I go to school everyday in my lambo.

Jake's POV
Today is my first day of senior year. My family just moved to Michigan from Ohio because my mom got a new job. I am really nervous about what everyone will think about me. At my old school I was really popular.

My brother Logan dropped me off at school. I was 30 mins early. Great.

25 mins later
As I am standing in the parking lot like an idiot, I see a blue lambo pull up. Lamborghinis are my dream car, but before I get a chance to see who is in the car the bell rings.

Erika's POV
As I pull up to school I see a really cute dude who I have never seen before, just standing in the parking lot. I park but, before I️ get out the bell rings and the boy rushes into the building.

Jake's POV
I rush into the building and head to the office to get my schedule. When I get there the office lady told me to sit and wait.

I begin to get worried. What if everyone hates me? I tell my self that will never happen. Right?

After about 5 mins the office lady hands me my schedule. I see I have science first. I better hurry, I am already 5 mins late.

Erika's POV
I rush into school. I have science first, so I find a seat in the back and go on my phone. 2 mins later the teacher walks in and starts teaching. I honestly don't care what she was saying. I'm just happy no one was sitting next to me, since I am the most popular girl in the school all the boys try to flirt with me. It's really annoying and they aren't even attractive.

Just as im thinking that the door opens and the boy I saw standing in the parking lot walks in. I look around the room and the only open seat is next to me.

(J:jake E:Erika T:teacher)
T: Hello can I help you?
J: um yeah, is this science.
T: Yes, find a seat you haven't missed anything.

Jake's POV
I look around the room and the only seat left is next to this really cute girl who was playing on her phone. I guess I'm sitting there!

J: um, is anyone sitting there
E: no (blushes)
J: thanks. My name is Jake by the way. What's yours?
E: Erika Costell

That's it for today. How did I do for my first chapter? If you have any comments or suggestions please leave a comment and don't forget to vote
Thanks for reading!!

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