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Jake's POV
The rest of the day I kept getting rude notes. If I tried to sit next to someone they would look at me rude then move away.

As I got on the bus everyone looked at me. I tried to not let it bother me. As I'm sitting BY MYSELF Sammy stormed up too me.

S: hey loser
J: .......
S: ok be that way don't answer me. Why don't you just go kill yourself. I felt some sort of clear liquid being poured on me. I'm pretty sure it was clear Elmer's glue.

I was sitting in the front of the bus so as people would walk by they would put stuff on me. Finally it was my stop and I quickly hurried of the bus. My house was across the street from the bus stop so I ran into my house and into my room.

I locked the door and started crying. I was crying for about 10 minutes and the whole time my mom was trying to get into my room.

I went and took a shower trying to get all the glue off of me. When I was done showering I sat down on my bed and went on Instagram. Everywhere I looked there were pictures of me on the bus with glue all in my hair.

I just started crying again but this time I was crying for about an hour. Finally I decided what I was going to do.

I started writing a letter. When I was finished I left the letter on my bed and went into my bathroom and got a razor blade. I unlocked my door and ran back into the bathroom. I started cutting everywhere there was skin. My arms, my legs, everywhere. I started feeling light headed and the last thing I remembered was passing out.

Erika's POV
I was starting to get worried. Jake hadn't texted me. I remembered he gave me his address so I grabbed my keys and hopped in my lambo. When I arrived at his house I ran to the door and knocked. As boy who looked like jake answered the door. I think I remember jake telling mr about him, his name was Logan. He was 2 years older than Jake.

(L: Logan)
L:hello can I help you
E: um ya is Jake here. I was supposed to meet him later but he hasn't texted em so I thought I should come check on him. I know its not like him to not text back even though I just met him.
L: ya, ok, who are you
E: My names Erika, I'm one of jakes friends from school
L: nice to meet you I'm Logan. Why don't you come in jake is in his room. It's the second door on the left.
E: thanks

I walked to the room Logan directed me in and I knocked on the door. Jake didn't answer and the door was unlocked so I walked in. Jake was nowhere to be found so I checked his closet than his bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom and saw something I never wanted to see!!

________________________________sorry for not uploading. My parents took my phone away and I have been really busy with school. Hope you liked that chapter.

The lie that brought us together --Jerika HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now