"from what i hear the list is longer than my wang."

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Patrick Hockstetter made it to the sewers. He walked inside and shook his can of hairspray. He pushed down the trigger and it started to spray out. He grabbed his lighter and held it up to the hairspray that was emptying out of the can and it lit on fire. He had a mini blowtorch kinda thing going on. He heard splashing on the inside of the sewer. He roamed through the greywater. 

"I hear ya tits. Don't think you can stay down here all damn day now." He said. There were silhouettes of the missing kids in front of him. He couldn't see them, though. 

"You found us, Patrick." They whispered. He pushed the trigger on the hairspray over the flaming lighter once more and he saw the kids, bloody and mangled up faces. He screamed and turned to exit. The exit was blocked with bars so he couldn't escape. A red balloon floated up to his face that read "I <3 DERRY." The balloon popped, and there stood Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Patrick screamed once more. Pennywise ran up to him and devoured Patrick Hockstetter.


You all rode your bikes to the pharmacy. You offered your bike to Ben, but he could barely even walk, let alone ride a bicycle. You let him ride on the back of your bike with you. 

"I think its great that we're helping the new kid, but we also need to think of our own safety. I mean, he's bleeding all over and you guys realize that there's an aids epidemic happening right now, right? My mom's friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole in the subway, and a lot of the aids blood got into her system through her hangnail, through her hangnail!" Eddie rambled on and on. "Shut the fuck up, Eds. God, you're such a spaz!" You yelled. You turned into the Pharmacy alley and you all dropped your bikes. Ben sat on a crate. 

"R-Richie wait here. C'mon guys." Bill motioned for you, Stan, and Eddie to come with him. You all ran to the Pharmacy. "I'm glad I got to meet you before you died," Richie said to Ben. Ben glared at him.

Eddie grabbed a shit ton of supplies. Some things probably weren't necessary, but you got them anyway. "Can we afford all that?" Bill asked. You pulled out a crinkled dollar out of your back pocket and Stan pulled out two. "Doubt it. This is all we got." You said. "Wait you have an account here, right?" Bill asked Eddie. "If my mom finds out I bought all this stuff for myself, I'm spending the rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting X-raid."

Beverly was also in the pharmacy. She was shopping for tampons. She awkwardly grabbed a blue box and walked away. 

"See ya later, dad," Gretta said while leaving the pharmacy. Beverly almost turned down the aisle she was walking through. Beverly spotted her and she started walking faster. She turned down the next aisle and there stood you and the boys. She put the box behind her back. "You okay?" Bill asked. "I'm fine. What's wrong with you?" She asked. 

"None of your business." Stan shot at her. "There's a kid outside that looks like someone killed him," Eddie said awkwardly. "We need some supplies but we don't have enough money." You said. Beverly looked at Mr. Keene, the pharmacist. She walked up to him and placed the blue box on the counter. "I like your glasses, Mr. Keene. You look just like Clark Kent. Can I try them?" She asked. 

"Well, sure." He said with a smile. He handed the pair of glasses to her. Beverly placed them on and looked at him. "What do you think?" She asked. "Well how about that. You look just like Lois Lane." Mr. Keene said. "Really?" Beverly asked and faked a laugh. He nodded. "Well, here you go." She handed them back while ramming her hand into the cigarette stand. It fell. "Gosh, I am so sorry." She apologized and handed the glasses to him. "It's ok." He accepted while placing the glasses back on. He bent down to pick it up, so Beverly turned to look at you and the boys. You all ran out of the store. She grabbed a pack of cigarettes and places them into her back pocket.

Y/n and the boys all ran back to Richie and Ben. Eddie opened up all of the supplies and started working on Ben's cut. "Just suck the wound," Richie said. "I need to focus right now," Eddie said while trying to figure out what to do first. "You need to focus?" Richie asked. "Yeah just go get my bifocals. They're in my second fanny pack." 

"Jesus Christ, why the fuck do you have two fanny packs?" Richie asked. You were spacing out while listening to the boys argue. You snapped out of it when you felt somebody staring at you. It was Bill. You looked at him and he looked away. "What?" You asked him.

"N-Nothing, uh. You're just, y-you're um...pretty." Bill said awkwardly. "Cool! Ah, p-pre-pretty cool, heh.." Bill caught himself barely. He turned a pink color and you chuckled. "Right." You said.

"Oh god, he's bleeding. Oh my god." Stan said, flipping out. Beverly was walking down the sidewalk. She looked at all of you. "Ben from Soc?" She said out loud. She walked up to all of you. "You have to suck the wound before you apply the bandage this is 101!" Richie exclaimed to Eddie. "You have no idea what you're talking about," Eddie said. Let's face it, neither of them knew what to do. I mean, Eddie thought he did because he's a huge germophobe but nobody knew what do to.

"Are you okay that looks like it hurts," Bev asked. "Oh, no I'm good. I just fell." Ben replied while groaning. "Yeah, fell right into Henry Bowers!" Richie exclaimed. "Shut it, Richie!" You said while smacking him on the head. You all heard the rumors about her and Henry. "Agh! Why? It's the truth!" You and Richie started arguing. "Shut the hell up!" Stan yelled and broke you guys up. "We'll take care of him. Thanks again, Beverly." Eddie said. "Sure, maybe I'll see you around." She said while starting to walk off. "Wait! Uh, we were thinking about going to the Quarry tomorrow. Wanna come?" You asked. "Good to know," Beverly said while walking off for good this time. 

"Seriously, Y/n?" Richie said. You glared at him. "Nice going bringing up Bowers in front of her!" Stan scolded you.  You rolled your eyes. "What did she do?" Ben asked. "More like who'd she do. From what I hear the list is longer than my wang!" Richie said while grabbing himself. "That's not saying much." You said while rolling your eyes. "You know, keep rolling your eyes and they're gonna get stuck like that," Richie said. "My eyes may get stuck like that but at least I don't have to act like a douche since my dick is smaller than my ego." (A/N lmao oh god what a comeback) You hit Richie on the shoulder. "You wanna go, trashmouth the second?" Richie asked. "Alright let's do it. Bring it on!" You said. You both started hitting each other.

You thought it was just a play fight, but Richie punched you in the nose really hard. Your nose started to bleed. You stumbled back. "Fuck you, Richie!" You started to tear up. "Jesus!" Eddie exclaimed. You started walking away. "Y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to.," Richie said. "Bill caught up with you. "Y-Y/n..."

You shoved him away. "Just go away, Bill. I'm going home." You said with tears in your eyes. He gave you a sad look and he stopped. He watched you walk away. He ran back to grab his bike. "Guys I'll b-be right back," Bill said while hopping on his bike. He pedaled as fast as he could and he eventually caught up to you. "Y/n..I'm not stopping this bike until you talk to me." 

You ignored him. He kept bothering you until you reached your house. "Bill, just leave. I'm fine. Go." You said while fighting back the tears. I mean, sure you and Richie have gotten into fights before but he's never punched you that hard. A bruise started to form on your nose. It was purple and red. You sat down on your porch swing out front and Bill dropped his bike. He sat next to you. "I-I'm not going anywhere."

He looked at you. "Y-Y/n...Your nose." He gestured to your nose that was bleeding from the already dry blood. "Right.." You said. "U-Um. I can g-ge-get it for you." 

"N-No, Bill. It's fi--.." He cut you off by taking off his shirt awkwardly. You didn't mind it, though. He wiped away the blood from your nose. You stared at his lips the whole time. "Alright, you're all fi-fixed up." You gulped. "Thanks." You said with a smile. You accidentally placed your hand on his thigh. You didn't know how to play it off. You both were staring at each other in the eyes and you both leaned in. Next thing you know, your lips were on his. He held it for at least 10 seconds. He pulled you closer, his hand on your lower back. You both pulled away.

"Bill.." You started. "Look, Y/n. All of this may not m-ma-matter in the future, you know, the fighting. Bu-But, I'm always gonna be there for you." He put his hand on yours.

"Promise?" You asked.

"Promise." He replied.

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