"welcome to the losers club, asshole!"

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"Bev!" Mike yelled in a hushed tone. "Holy shit," Richie whispered. Ben ran over to her and shined his flashlight on her. "H-How is she in the air?" You asked shakily. Eddie looked up and swallowed hard at the sight. "Guys...are those--" 

"The missing kids...floating." Stan finished. Richie and Mike held Ben up so he could grab Beverly. "Shit I'm slipping!" Richie whispered loudly. Ben held onto her shoulders and lowered her easily to the ground. He looked at her pale, concrete colored eyes and shook her. "Bev, Beverly, why isn't she waking up?! What is wrong with her?!" Ben yelled. He started crying. "C'mon Bev!" He said as he lowered his head to her shoulder. He lifted it up and kissed her. There were groans made by you and Richie. "Well then," Stan said sheepishly.

Beverly took a giant gasp for air and woke up. She looked Ben in the eyes. "January embers..."

"My heart burns there too." Ben finished. "Jesus, fuck." You said while smiling and wrapping your arms around Ben and Beverly. "Oh god," Mike said and hugged all three of you. Stan and Richie joined the group hug. Eddie walked over closer to where Bill was standing. He shined his flashlight on him. Beverly looked up. "Where's Bill?" Bill was staring at Georgie. 

Georgie stepped out of the dark with his boat. 

"Georgie..." Bill started. "What took you so long?" Georgie whined. "I was looking for you this whole time," Bill said trying not to cry. "I couldn't find my way outta here. He said I could have my boat back, Billy." Georgie walked closer to Bill. "Was she fast?" He asked while smiling down at the boat. "I couldn't keep up with it." Georgie looked up at Bill with sad eyes. "'She.' Georgie. You call boats 'she.'" 

"Take me home, Billy." Everyone in the losers club walked over to Bill. They couldn't believe the sight they were seeing. "I wanna go home," Georgie said tearfully. Bill started sobbing. "I miss you. I wanna be with mom and dad." Georgie was now sobbing as well. "I want more than anything for you to be home. With mom and dad, I miss you so much." Bill said as he walked closer to Georgie. He looked him dead in the eyes. "I love you, Billy," Georgie said. "I love you too." Bill pulled out Mike's gun and cocked it. "But you aren't Georgie." Everyone in the losers club widened their eyes. Bill fired the gun right in between Georgie's eyes. Georgie fell back on the ground. It was silent for a moment until Georgie's body started shaking rapidly. He screamed out and his limbs started turning into the clown's limbs. His body turned into the clown's body.

The clown shot up. He lifted up his head and his eyes slowly rolled back into proportion. "Kill it!" Everyone in the losers club shouted in unison. Bill put the gun up to the clown's head. "It's not loaded..." Mike said. "Guys, it's not loaded!" Everyone continued to shout. Bill pulled the trigger and nothing came out. Pennywise grunted manically. "Holy fuck." Richie said. Pennywise looked up as something dark came out of his "wound." He started roaring and throwing his arms. He ran towards Bill. 

"Bill watch out!" Richie yelled. Bill put the gun in the clown's mouth so he couldn't get closer to him. "Leave him alone!" You grabbed a bat from the pile of garbage and whacked it over ther clown's head. He looked at you and threw you back onto the pile of junk. Mike tried to slam a crowbar over his head but he grabbed it and threw it out of his hand.  Bill grabbed the crowbar and went behind the clown and he pushed it up against his throat while pulling back. The clown flipped him over and held him in a choke hold. 

"Bill!" Everyone screamed. You woke up and rubbed your head. You looked at Bill and you shot up. "Let him go!" You screamed. 

"No. I'll take him. I'll take all of you. And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear." Pennywise shook his finger. "Or, you'll just leave us be. I will take him, only him and then I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead happy lives until old age takes you back to the weeds." He said while rubbing Bill's face roughly.

"Leave...I'm the one who dragged you all into this. I'm s-so-sorry."

Pennywise imitated his stutter and then laughed. "S-so-sorry."

"Go!" Bill yelled. "Guys, we can't!" You said almost crying. Richie got up from the ground. "I told you Bill. I fucking told you. I don't wanna die. It's your fault. You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead house, and now I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown." Richie said while grabbing the bat that you had. "Welcome to the Losers Club, asshole!" He yelled while swinging the bat and hitting the clown in the face.

Ben grabbed on to his arm and Pennywise turned into a mummy. The mummy wraps went arount Ben's head and the mummy started trying to eat his face off. Ben was screaming. Mike got up and grabbed some chains. He slammed them onto the wraps. The wraps turned into Mike's parents' burnt hands. He heard his name being screamed by his parents. Stanley grabbed a wrench and hit the hands. The clown turned into the creepy flute lady. She ran towards him and Stanley ducked. You ran up to the clown and stabbed it in the back. He roared and blood started pouring and floating up. 

You ran off and Richie threw the baseball bat towards you. You caught it and swung at Pennywise. He fell to the ground while everyone else was whacking him with weapons. Pennywise coughed and threw up all over Eddie. "Now I'm really gonna kill you!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and kicked the clown in the face. The clown rolled over and then had the face of Beverly's dad. 

"Hey Bevvie, are you still my little g--" Beverly cut him off by showing a spike down his throat. The clown gagged and spit out the spike. He flipped over and sat up against an opening to down under the well. He was shaking rapidly and gasped for air. He smiled and chuckled manically. "That's why you didn't kill Beverly...'cause she wasn't afraid. Neither are we, not anymore. Now you're the one who's afraid because you're gonna starve. Pennywise flipped into the opening and hung on with his hands. "He thrusts his fists against the po-post he still insists he see's the g-gh-ghosts." Pennywise started. You handed Bill the baseball bat and he went to swing at him but the clown went down further. He looked up at Bill. His brain started coming out of his head and floating up. 

"Fear." Pennywise fell down into the opening. You all looked into the large opening and saw nothing. You all felt a rush of peace overcome you. "I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay." Richie said. Bill grabbed your side and pulled you in for a hug. You sniffled into his shoulder. Eddie looked up at the floating kids. "Guys. Guys. The kids are floating down." 

Bill looked at a yellow piece of fabric beside the pile of garbage. He walked towards it and picked it up. He looked on the inside and the words "George Denbrough" were written in sharpie. He held it close to him and everyone walked towards him. He knelt down and you put your hand on his shoulder. You got down on your knees and buried your head in the crook of his neck. Everyone else joined in for a group hug while Bill cried into the yellow raincoat.

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