Chapter 1: Tea Party Disaster

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( Only special chapter that got tittle )
Geno POV:
  We have a tea party like usual. I and the other Princess talk about events, deal, and many more. But, mostly we try to impress the other's or I can say 'show of '. 

  We did this to show our status as one of the royal family. And I really bored about this lame tea party. If you asking 'why I am here in the first place?'. The answer is my parents.

  And now I am stuck in a huge room, full of fancy decoration, many beautiful golden flowers, and the room was very bright;that can blind my eyesight until the tea party is over. Guess who's tea party that I came to. Non other than Princess Dream.

" So, what do you guy's think? " said Dream with warm smile. Like always she is positive, kind, and full of hope. I guess that why her name is Dream. Totally the opposite of me.

" Wow, you did a great job on the decoration Dream!!! " said blueberry with a cheerful voice. Like usual, blueberry always being so casual. And that's what make people like about her. 

" Beautiful like always, Princess Dream " said Ink politely like usual. At least, some of us take our reputation seriously. Ink was the most creative one. If need idea's you can ask Ink for help.

" I love what you did to the room, Princess Dream. I admit that the golden flowers was a perfect combination with the decoration. " I said politely.

" I love it, they we're so bright and beautiful like Dream!!! " said Dalysha with a cheerful voice. She really effective to love. Well, Dalysha is her nickname. Her real name is Dark Love. So, no wonder she is effective with love and easily heart break.

" Thanks Guy's!!! " said Dream.

  We began the tea party. We all sit and let the maid's to fill our cup with tea. We take a sip of the tea. It was Jasmine tea. I love the aroma and the taste of the Jasmine tea. We all enjoy our silent time. Until one of us spoke.

" So, Ink how was your Kingdom? " ask Dalysha.

" It was fine, really; Princess Dalysha. But, it seem that there was more creative children's than usual this year. " said Ink.

" That's a good news. How about you, Geno? " said Dalysha.

" Like usual, busy... We all busy working on our deals, and appointment. I was surprise to myself, that I have free time to came to this wonderful tea party. Thanks Princess Dream for inviting me. " I said politely.

  It was true that my Kingdom always busy. You can say one of the top 10 most busy Kingdom or obsessed with work. And I enjoy working than spend my precious time for party.

  Talking about party. 'Wonderful', what I mean is boring. Every party that I came to always the same. Only talk about how was our Kingdom, our activity during the day, and more.

" No need to thank me Geno!!! You're my friend!!! " Said Dream with cheerful voice.

" Wow, you must be tired from all of your work Geno. Let's have fun at this party, Before you get back to work!!! " said Blueberry with a warm smile.

" To bad that Princess Fell can't come. But at least we all here. " said Ink as she the maid refill her cup.

  Talking about Fell. She was one of my Bestfriend, after Dust. And she betray me. By not coming to the party. When I saw her, I will make sure that she regret her action.

  Suddenly the door fall with a loud sound as Nightmare run in to the room with a shotgun. And from the hall way we can hear many explosion and gun sound.

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