Chapter 11: The Agreement

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Nightmare POV:
I was at the study room, working on my paperwork. It's seem like our people's need more health facilities, I will take care of that problem. While finishing my paperwork, there's a golden letter. It's look old and have dust.

" Since when, it's on my table? And why it's on the bottom of my paperwork? It should be on top. " I said as I wonder, who is this letter for.

Probably Dream, because everyone know I hate bright colors. They always give me black or purple letter. But, something odd about the letter. It was golden, dusty, and look old like its been ages on my table. It's have rose motif in the edges of the letter and two beautiful Rose's with crown on the bottom of the Rose's symbol on the middle. Golden and purple Rose's.

The symbol, it's familiar! I look at the front of the letter. It's said 'For: Nightmare' 'From-' it can't be! It's from mom! But she died year's ago! Maybe this is a message for me after she died?

(  I don't know if the original story have a mom or not. But, I want Nightmare and Dream to have one. So why not? )

I open the letter and read it
' Dear, Nightmare.

I probably, already died when you read this. I write this letter when you're 6. The day you went back from hunting, and bought home a bear head. The day you prove you're strong, the day you make me proud. I truly proud of you, Nightmare! I love you the way you are! You don't have to change, my child. Nightmare, I want you and Dream to rule the Kingdom for me. Be a better ruler than me, be more brave, confident, and wise on your decision! I believe that you will be a great ruler like everyone hope! But, rule is rule my daughter! As a ruler we follow the law! Don't break it! If I died, that's mean you have to take my place. Dream isn't prepared yet, but you are! I am sorry to be unfair my daughter. I am sorry to be bossy in the past my daughter. You probably won't forgive me for the past. Just remember, I love you my child. As much as I love Dream. Because, I am your mom. Which mom, who doesn't love their child? But, law said The eldest must take their parents place after they died. And in your 25th birthday, you must married and take the tittle as Queen you truly meant to be! I hope you read this before you're 25, because... if you haven't married yet. You can't find your true love anymore, my child. The council will decide. If you like it or not. Remember, you can be strong. But wild isn't an option! If you haven't to late to read this, start to act like a lady and find your true love. Do what your heart tell you! Do what is your right! Have fun while you can! Because, after be a Queen. There's not much you can do. My child, I may die. I may turn to dust. I may gone. But, my love will always be with you and guide you, my child! Stay strong, and wise my child! This won't be my last letter. There's a lot letters that hidden in this Kingdom my child! You will found it, when you need it the most! Every letter for every possible event you got! That's all my child! Stay DETERMINED!


'Why? Why, mom? Just why?
You been writing a lot of letters, and hide it. Why can't you just tell me? Why can't you tell me and keep such a secret like this? You knew you will die. But, you keep quite. Keep that lil secret of yours by yourself. And leave all the responsibility to me.' I thought as tears start streaming down from my face.

'I forgive you mom, but I will still hate you for what you done in the past.'

But, what about the married problem? Why I haven't saw the letter from the first place? It was on my table. FOR GOD SAKE!!!

WAIT!25th birthday? That means I still have a few months before married. Glad I have time to be have fun. But, what with finding love?

I doesn't understand about romance love. I only know family love. What I going to do?

And I only have few months!!! Time isn't helping too!!! And I scream until the whole Kingdom can hear it. And grab my phone quickly call the council.

While waiting him to pick up the phone, I destroy my table and all of the papers is on the floor.

" Hello, this is Nightmare. I need to talk to Val ( one of the council ). "

" Yes, I am Val. What can I help you your Highness? "


" Yes- "


" Because you should already know it as the eldest child in your family. "

" VAL I GOING TO KILL YOU, IF THAT'S THE LAST THING THAT I DO- " I said and he end up the call.

" FUCK U VAL!!! " I said as I turn around to see my friends stare at me.

This will be a loooooong day!!!


Not important, but who care? I change my ACC name from Red_Black_Rose_Angie to _AngieorAngel_

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