Chapter 10

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(Warning: BAD WORD'S!)

Cross POV:
Finally.... the WAR is over! And the damn slow cops just arrived! But.... somehow Nightmare isn't arrested for having illegal item's!!!

Did Nightmare put spell or something to the cop?Damn, she just like a witch.

Glad it's over, some of us is injured badly. But, not for Fresh and Nightmare.Probably, they will be the one who survive or survive when there's a dangerous virus spreading in all of the country in earth.

I mean, who da heck that doesn't get injured from all the explosion, wild animals, and gun shot? 'At least no one die' she said simply. Like doesn't even care if we alive or die!

Whoever that married her, good luck! Hope ya not suffer with da damn witch! I glad I not said that out loud. Or the freaking witch will kill me.

Speaking of the witch! Here she come.

" Heya guy's, so how's the training? Fun right? " she said

" Woman, that's NOT.A.FUCKING.TRAINING. THAT IS A DEATH TRAP FOR US!!! Woman are you crazy until you set that trap for us? " I said.

" First of all, my name is not woman it's Nightmare. Second, I don't know what ya talking about. That is a perfectly survival training. And Fresh doing great at it. Third, if I am crazy I will be at the asylum. " Nightmare said calmly with straight face.

" WTF is wrong with you? I never saw a Princess have a dangerous place and equipment like that. " said Killer, sweating.

" You never saw one, because they all is an obedient daughter's who waste their time for a FUCKING party, and talking about useless BULLSHIT ! And I was proving that I am not like them, FOR GOD SAKE!" said Nightmare as she turn around and walk back to her place.

" I am so sorry about Nightmare! " said Dream.

" Can you explain why is she so rude? " I ask

" Nightmare never like girly stuff, she like to prove that she is more than a Princess who sit in a throne. She is capable in fighting and she already prove it to our parents. So she is allowed to do that. Aslong as she does her duty as a ruler she can do anything she want. " said Dream.

" Actually, I think she is good in white dress. " said Killer, smirking.

And everyone start to laugh to think about it. " Yeah, right! I bet, that will never happen! " said Dust.

" Ok, if I win you give me... 100 XIAOMI. " said Killer. " Deal? " he said.

" Deal!But, if I win. You give me 100 Iphone. " said Dust. " Okay, Deal! " said Killer and Dust.


Someone scream inside of Nightmare and Dream castle-Wait! Nightmare? We all rush to the scream came from. It was a room that I believe is Nightmare and Dream study room. There's a broken table, and I know Nightmare the one who broke it.


And many papers on the floor and angry Nightmare who was yelling at the phone. I think she is calling someone. But who? And why is she angry?


I sorry for waiting! From now on I will update when I have time. Because, I need to work too! And after January. It will be a busy month. Since there's school, course, work, and... the month where many people in my family have birthday. So I can say January is 'eating a lot of cake' month.

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