Chapter 9: WAR (3) ( there's Afterdeath and it's a short chapter )

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I almost forgot about this story because, I have more than 1 ACC in Wattpad. First one for scrolling, second one for like and comment others story, and last is making story( this acc ). Welp, I blame my amnesia. Did I told you that, I am using nightmare NOT corrupted form? If not, I am telling you now. If I already told you. Blame my amnesia. Warning: BAD WORD'S.

Cross POV:
It was midnight and the WAR haven't stop yet. We already start the WAR few ours ago. If ya asking about, " HOW DA HECK, A SILLY GAME LIKE THIS HAVEN'T END, FEW OURS AGO? ". Just blame Nightmare and Killer who can't stop ARGUE LIKE A HUSBAND AND WIFE.  Damn they're stubborn. Never let each other win.

Tbh, they look like an old couple argue about what best for their grandkids.



Because of those two, the WAR won't end. Until one of them is lose.

Just GREAT. Now, I am here stuck with killer team. Running for our life in the forest. Good thing is I get to carry Dream.

Bad thing is, we either be wolf food or die in the hand of a scary corruptor, that creeping us with sitting in a dead tree in the midnight, when there's full moon. Laughing like a psychopath. With wolf howling sound that help her creepy laugh, getting even scary.

Speaking of the creepy lady, she just getting down from the dead tree with a single jump.

" * inhale * HOW DA HECK SHE DID THAT FOR GOD SAKE?!!! " I kinda shout. Kinda...

" Welp. Geno my brah, already trained 4 something like dat brah! " said Fresh.

Welp I was forgetting about that guy, but when he talk. I just remembered... he is on our team. And probably the only people who doesn't getting any ship.

" Well well well. What do we have here? " said Geno with X-treme creepy voice, and walking toward us.

" DEATH!!! Your girlfriend is being a PSYCHOPATH!!! " I shouted

Okay, now everyone looking at me with 'seriously?' look on their face. Same for Geno. And then, out of no where this happened....


And Death fall on top of Geno, hugging her tightly. " WTF, DEATH?!! " Geno said as she try to escape from Death but failed. LOL. Took him long enough to came here. About the wolf, they sorta run after saw Geno. No kidding, if she can kill people by looking at them... we will be dead few year's ago.

" Heya, Geno sweet heart∼ Miss me?~ " Deae said with a seductive and smooth voice.

Welp, he is the only one who dare to flirt Geno. And where he got his courage to said something like that with that kind of voice?!! If Geno isn't been hug by Death.... she will totally slap him.

" WHA- NO!!! " said Geno with a lil blush.

" We all know, that ya love me∼ " said Reaper.

" I hate you. " Geno said.

" I love you too~ " Death said.

Dream was in 'Aww.' look. Fresh was in 'I don't get it.' look. I and Killer was in 'DA HECK?' look.

Honestly, they're cute couple and all. But...

" GET A ROOM YOU TWO!!! " I said. Fresh and Killer just agreed. For Fresh... he still don't get about what da fuck just happened.


From now on, I will update when I have time. And because, I have a long break before back to school. That is in January. I will try to update more. If there's typo in this chapter... blame my keyboard who just autocorrect what I just type. Too lazy to check and edit TYPO. So, whoever that saw typo and the typo didn't make sense in the story. Just comment and I will said what it supposed to be write before it autocorrected. Okay, adios amigo.


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