Chapter 12

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(Note: this chapter contain a lil swearing and bad word's. A bit safe, I think? Read or not. Up to you.)

~ few year's ago ~
It was a peaceful day at the south forest, that known as one of the most dangerous place in the whole world. The south forest is called the "Mystic Forest". Behind the naming for the forest or the REASON that they called the "Mystic Forest" is the Legend that been told that there's mystic creature's and scary but harmless beast in this forest.

The Mystic Forest is a wonderful place. That could make you feel BELONG or TRAPPED.

There's only few type of people who can survive from this forest. One, is the person who never seek anything for they're life. Two, the person who already lost everything . Three, the one who got everything he needed in they're life. Four, the person who have strong mental. And last, the person who already seek what he truly want.

On the bright side in the "Mystic Forest" is a place where you can see rainbow slide, squishy mushroom that you can jump on, colorful river that can show your dreams, candy stone , tree's that full of gems and gold, fluffy flowers made of candy, and many more as the mystic creature's guide you to a never ending mystical things that will make you STAY FOREVER. This place was called "DREAM LAND". One of the place in the forest. That will make unhappy or sad, depressed, broken being to stay forever and never leave the forest.

In the dark side of the "Mystic Forest" is a place where you can see the "Mirror Of Truth" they reviled what and who you truly are, the garden of demonic eye's. They reviled your fears into reality, and never stop showing them until you not afraid of them. Ocean Of Truth where they reviled all of the truth that you wanted know and drag you to the bottom of the ocean. Keeping you from going back. And many more as the beast guide you to revile what is unknown that will make your curiosity to keep you TRAP there FOREVER. This place is called "SECRET GARDEN". One of the place in the forest to keep the mature, curious, smart, or even hopeless being to stay there forever.

The cold side of the forest, is a place where they reviled your past, and present life and keep asking you questions, convinced you to stay. You can see everyone life history played like a movie in this place. The place is cold but have welcoming atmosphere that keep you to stay forever. This place is called "EYE OF TIME". The place that everyone can trapped.

Who ever goes to the Mystic Forest with will to destroy or harm the Mystic Creature's or beast they will SUFFER and WILL NEVER CAME BACK. But, for those who came in peace will received friends and loyalty from the creature's who lived in the "Mystic Forest".

Everyone isn't brave to go there. Because, not everyone who go there will came back.

Well, at least that was what happened in the old day's. Time has changed. Only people in our country believed the legends. As for the other's was to dumb and risk their life for useless research.

Well one of the people who taking the risk to the forest is a Princess named Nightmare. Known as the most boyish like girl in her country.

Nightmare POV:
I woke up at 5, I had NIGHTMARE again. I only sleep for 3 ours, again. For some reason, I can't sleep well. Oh, well. Time to get up from the bed. I get up and make the bed as I think how boring my life is.

I hated my bed it's to comfortable and big. They only waste money to make the bed design. I mean, who the heck make this?! Can't they think who is sleeping on a bed?! Well, yeah. Princess deserve a big, fancy bed. But, it has no use. I mean, every night I went to my room... all I think is a large white bed with black and purple cover. Two fluffy pillow and one long pillow. Only that, nothing else. A 7 year's old kid sleeping on a bed who can fit for 12 teen.

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