Chapter 3: Dream Fall For Cross

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Dream POV:
  I was having a tea party, and I am hosting. So today will be exciting!!! I invited my closest friends to come!!! And also I invite Nightmare. But she said she don't want to come. And she wanted to guard the hallway?

  I don't understand why she said that she wanted to guard the hallway. But, okay? I guess? I decorated the room with golden flowers. Because it was my fav!!!

  A maid came and informed that they have arrived. I am so excited!!! I go and meet them. After that lead them to a room, where I was earlier. The tea party is go well as I hoped. But Fell, isn't coming because some reason.

  After we have a chat for few min's. The door broken and I saw nightmare holding a gun. So I ask her. She said 'it wasn't a game'? I don't understand. Until I heard explosion and gun sound. Of course I am panicking. But, Geno look really calm but still. I can see fear in her eye's.

  Then, I saw Geno brother's and Dust? They take away Geno and the situation calm down. I quickly apologize to my friends for what happened.

" I am so sorry guy's!!! I don't know that this will happen!!! " I apologize.

" How about we get some ice cream? " I said with a cheerful voice. Hoping that they want to go buy ice cream with me.

" Sure, Princess Dream. I would love to. " Said Ink.

" Ice cream??? Of course!!! " said Dalysha with cheerful voice and sweet smile.

" Of course!!! I would love to!!! " Said blueberry.

" How about you, sister? " I said as I look at nightmare. Who still holding a gun.

" Sure. " said Nightmare, answering me shortly. How lazy can she get?

  Finally we're at the Ice cream shop. We buy our fav. I buy vanila ice cream. And surprisingly, other's prince is there!!! How exciting is that?There's Cross,  Dust, and Non.

  Nightmare stare at Dust like She wanted to have fight with him. I think it's because he barge in to my tea party and leaving with one of my guest. Blue can't stop looking at Dust. Is she in love with Dust? Well they will be a cute couple.

" Hey, blue. What are ya looking at? " said Dalysha with a smirk.

Blue blush, and quickly look at the other direction. " N-Nothing! " she said.

" Are ya sure? Because the blush said that you look at someone∼ " said Nightmare with a smirk.

" Sorry to be casual, but it's does look like that you look at someone. " said Ink.

" Yeah, so who is he? " I ask.

" Yeah, who is the man that stole your heart? " ask Dalysha with a smirk.

" N-No one... " said blueberry

" Hey, so what are you all talking about? I can sense that you talking about us∼ " said someone behind us.

  We all look at the person. It was Dust with Cross, and Non. And blue blush getting worse as she try to cover it. So blue fall for Dust? That's good, I am happy for Blue to found her crush.

" Yo, Dust. Don't you ever ruin my sister party again. K? Or your head will be hanging on my wall. " said nightmare coldly as she dead stare at Dust.

  Dust sweat and said " It's not my fault, I am there to pick up Miss Geno. But, you didn't let me. So what choice do I have unless barge in? " . He said it without even single regret.

  I can see blue is heart broken when Dust mentioned Geno name. Love is complicated. So who know, what is Dust and Geno relationship is.

" So you and Geno dating or something? " said Ink that talk casually. That's the Ink that I like.

" Dating? No, no. She is my bestfriend. Also, if I date her. Her brother's going to kill me by corrupting me. And she isn't my type. " said Dust while laughing.

I can see blue is now smiling. Knowing she still have hope for her love.

My finger feel sticky. I look at my hand and my vanila ice cream is a bit melty. Oh, geez this ... Cross begin to lick my ice cream from my finger to my ice cream cone ( where the ice cream melt) and to my ice cream. I can feel my face heat up. And the other's said " I ship it ".

" Ya better eat your ice cream, dream. Before it melt. Especially the cream. " Cross said as he lick my ice cream, cream on his finger and smirk.

Gosh, he look HOT!!! Am I fall for him???


 I am trying to animate with flipaclip QvO

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I am trying to animate with flipaclip QvO.

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