Chapter 2

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Next next next chapter is the bio.( I dunno when. But I know it's soon. )
Geno POV:
  What a bad luck... in the early of the day I was at the fancy clothes shop with other Prince and Princess. My parents said it will be good to have a preparation before the Ball. And here I am. Standing in the center of the shop, surrounded by many Prince and Princess.

  I always came to the shop with my brother's. So think don't get akward and lonely.
  But, since they already bought their clothes. I have to go to the shop alone.

  Guess what? Death is there too. Someone kill me before Death saw me. I am not scared of him, he is annoying.

  Like more annoying than a lil kid that keep screaming your name.

  Well he doesn't saw me yet. So I'll be going to somewhere far from him. Okay, I think I go far enough from that bastard. I look at ton of dress. But, nothing interest me. I was walking around that place, searching something that fit my taste.

  And suddenly someone touch my shoulder and said " Heya, Geno. ". I turn around and saw Fell? I never saw her coming to this place before.

" Morning, Princess Fell. It's rare that I see you here. Not to mention that you hate shopping. Am I correct? " I said politely. I am a Princess, so I have to keep my reputation good.

" What with the 'Princess'? You know that there's no reporter at this place right? And your guard isn't here anyway. Just chill don't be so formal. Yup, I hate shopping. The reason I am here is same as your. " Fell said with bored face.

We both sigh and said " parents.... " at the same time.

" Sorry Princess Fell, there's reporter and guard or not. That doesn't mean I can't be formal. I am sorry about yesterday, to call you bastard. It's just I forgot about my anger level. " I said politely.

" Yup, no kidding. " Said Fell.

" So... Done with choosing dress yet? " Ask Fell that look at me.

" Nope, you? " I answered.

" I can't find something that I like. " Said Fell.

" Then we're the same. " I said to Fell.

  We both continue searching dress that we like. Few minutes later, I and Fell found something that we like.

( I want to show you the picture. But sadly, I draw it tradi so it will be blury. I will draw it digi and show it to you when the ball chapter is done. XD )

  We buy the dress and going to accessories shop. Of course. I only buy something that match with my white and red dress. Fell interested with gems that will look amazing with her dress. And suddenly someone touch my shoulder.

  I know it wasn't Fell. Because, she is in front of me looking at tons of gems. And the one who touch me have a warm hand isn't like Fell who always have cold hand.

     What did Fell do to her hand to keep it cold, anyway?

" Heya, Geno~ " said the one who touch my shoulder.

  That voice!!! It's sound familiar!!! Oh, god no.... please tell me it isn't him.... I turn around and saw Death.

" What do you want, Prince Death? " I said politely and coldly.

He smirk and said " same as always, I see∼ "

" By that? " I ask and raising my non existing eyebrow.

He chuckled and said " you know what I mean, my tsundere Princess. "

  Anger is boiling inside of me, but I keep myself calm. I am in the public. I need to calm down. Anger get me nothing, polite get me respect. I said to myself.

" That is really rude of you, to judge other Prince Death. " I said coldly with an unreadable expression.

" You're more patient, than the last time I meet you. So you get a life coach or something?~ " he said with a hot-No! What are you thinking about Geno?! He isn't hot but he is an idiot with an idiotic smirk.

" At least I am more mature now, but you seem the same as always. Not too childish not too mature either, Prince Death. " I said politely and totally mocking him.

" Aww, that's hurt Geno. " he said

" I never knew that you care about me~ " he said while chuckle.

" Yeah, in your dream. " I said coldly as i cross my arms and seem annoyed.

" You're my dream~ " he said

  That words make me blush and I try to hide it ( unsuccessful ) by looking at the other direction. But he already saw it and he chuckled.

" Prince Death. Stop teasing me. " I said coldly.

" But I don't want to~ " he said.

" Fine. " I said, and go to Fell.

  I told Fell that I going back to my kingdom. So I can work. But the truth is. I going back so I wouldn't hear, Death stupid flirt. Argh!!! Death is annoying!!!


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