Chapter 4: Nightmare

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( this chapter is about Nightmare only )
No One POV:
( It was a day after the Tea Party disaster, at Nightmare and Dream Kingdom. )

It was a beautiful, and sunny morning at the Kingdom. All the bird's sit at the tree's singing, the chef start cooking, the maid's and butler's start working, and everything went good as usual. Everyone was happy but not for Nightmare.

Nightmare POV:
I woke up as soon as the light shine through the window, and bird's singing. My usually dark, and cold room. Now is bright, and warm as soon as the sunlight shine through my window. I got up and sit in the edge of my bed. " Argh.... " I said like I was extremely tired. And the fact is I never had a good sleep in my whole life. I always sleep for 3 ours. I heard that a President also sleep around 3 ours. Wow... I feel they're suffering.

I get up from my bed and close the damn window and curtains so my room will be dark. It was still 4 in the morning. So my room was very dark, especially when I close the window and curtains. I don't mind with a dark room. Because I can see in dark and I like dark and cold room. Well, I awake now. I should get ready for the day.

I walk to the dresser room, and look at thousands of dress that I have. The dress that I owned was mostly black, or purple. But there is one, white dress. That never wear..... it was a gift from my dear sister, Dream. It was a white dress with purple motif.

I look at the other thousands dress, and grab a black with purple motif dress. I go through the long hall in my dresser room. Where all of my dress is hanging in the wall like a picture frame or a collection. I getting bored of this room.

I go to a large, elegan mirror that was in the end of the hall or so called dresser room. The mirror was located in the end of the room and wasn't leaning to the wall. Behind the mirror, was a black wall with a long red chair, and many black window that covered by the red curtains, and a dressing room.

I look at the mirror and look at my reflection. What I saw is me, wearing a black night dress. I sigh and look at the dress that I grab.

Normally, a maid will help a princess in whatever they do. From waking up the Princess, choose a dress for the Princess, grab breakfast for the Princess, pour tea for Princess and many more. But, not for me. I don't like how others treat me like a lil kid who can't do anything. I do everything by myself unlike my sister. She really need a maid to look after her.

I look at the dress once more. I go to the dressing room to wear the dress. After that I go back to my room to make the bed and grab my crown, and put it on.

" It will be a long day... " I said as I go out of my room and been stare by few maid's and butler's.

What I know is they talking about that I get out of my room early than usual. I usually go out at 7. But, now is 4, almost 5. I better go out and do something than inside of my room and do nothing at all.

I was walking through the hall, I am lucky that it's still early so Dream, ain't gonna tell the maid's to open the certain to reveal the bright sunlight that gonna blind my eyesight and burn my skin. I know, I know.... 'It's still early on the morning it can't be that bad' that's what you thinking. But not for me. I hate the bright and warm sunlight. I look at the time... It's 5.

I go to the kitchen, to grab my breakfast. I can cook, but if I the one who cook all day.... What the chef gonna do? Slack off in the kingdom? That ain't gonna happen. I only gonna do few things on my own that not gonna make the worker easy or even hard on their job. So every action I make, will not effect them.

I go to the dining room to eat, after that I go to the kitchen to wash my plate like usual. After that, I go to me and Dream study room. And sit in a white chair as I pour a tea in my cup and take a sip of the tea. Herbal tea... well Dream didn't like this tea because it's sour. But I like it anyway.

Suddenly, I heard someone run in the hallway with loud steps. " Bam!!! " someone slam the door hardly. And I almost drop my cup that fill with tea. Almost...

" Sister, sister!!!" Said Dream ( the one who slam the poor door :v )

" Dream.... why you slam the door? I begging you, don't broke the door. That is the 9th door this month that been fix . " I said calmly. Not try to sound angry.

" Oh, sorry sister!!! I just got news!!! " said Dream.

" Yes, I am listening... " I said.

" We got message from a far away Kingdom!!! We will meet few new people's today. Isn't it exciting?!! " said Dream with a cheerful voice.

" There will be Princess Lust, Prince Horror, and Prince Killer!!! " ( yup, I add this three to the story!!! So Nightmare won't be lonely ) said Dream.

" I think ya can say that their going to be a horror excitement because people is lust to meet them. And there's gonna have a killer alert. " I said as a joking about their name.

" Sister that aint funny to joke about other's name. " said Dream.

" Yeah, yeah. " I said.

I am interested the so called ' Price Killer ' for some reason.

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