Chapter 6

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( Continue of chapter 5 )
Death POV:
I already at the party. I planning to tease Geno∼ Dunno why but I like to see her annoyed. She is cute when mad. Am I in love? Well, in love with Geno is probably worth it. I saw her with her brother's. Well I can't near them....

Since her brother's gonna corrupt me with virus or error if I tease their older sister.

( I dunno what am I doing. TvT )

Don't get me wrong, last time I heard someone call Geno a robot freak for obsessed with working. The next day they were corrupted by virus and error. And I know why. Non other than Error and Fresh who corrupt them. Those siblings love each other after all.

There's few car just arrived. Maybe they more like modern stuff and not the old way. Who care?

When they get out, I saw them get out and busy with their phone. Kid's this day's, just can't live without gadgets. At least me and the other's, only use them if we need.

" Welcome!!! You must be Lust, Horror, and Killer!!! Nice to meet you. I am Blueberry, just call me Blue. " Blue said with cheerful voice.

" Sup Blue. Even if you already know my name, I will introduce myself properly. My name is Killer. " said Killer, that keep chatting with his phone. Congrats, we got a status updater.

" Evening, Hun∼ You look cute ∼ I am lust, BTW∼ " said Lust. I guess I won't be the only one who flirt.

" The name Horror. " said Horror who keep playing mobile legend. Da heck.... Royal supposed to do their job not play game!!!

" Hey,hey,hey. I am Dalysha!!! " said Dalysha.

" Sup! " those three said.

" Hey, do one of you play GrowTopia? " said Horror.

" Me. Totally me. I am Non btw. " said Non.
Horror and Dust began to talk. About game if I correct.

" Hey how about we sing some music. " said Lust.

" Music? We only have classic music. We not really interested in modern life style. " said Dalysha.

" Owh, what.... but you all have phone right? " Lust said.

" Yeah, but we only use it for calling. We like how our day's without gadget . " said Blue.

" Wow..... then I will make you all to do usual teen activity. " said Lust.

" .... So ya guy's only gonna talk? " said Nightmare.

" maybe? " said Dalysha.

" Lame... " said Nightmare.

( I dunno if I tell you yet. But I am telling you right now. I use nightmare first form. The one that haven't turn evil . )

" Lame? So what are ya planning, to make it fun? " said Killer.

" How about we play a lil game that I know. At my place. " said Nightmare.

" Ow gosh.... not that game. " said Dream.

" Believe me, you don't want to play games with my sister. Her games is challenging. The one who play need to have tactics and skilled person. " said Dream.

" That's sound interesting. Killer, you? " killer said

" Nightmare. Heya all!!! The war has began. Now at my place. Last is the loser. " said Nightmare as she grab Dream hand and left the Party.

" War? " said Killer.

" Yeah, that's what I talking about!!! " I said. And me, Cross, and Non left the party.

Killer POV:

" That's just how we call it. " Said Error.

" Adios, Loser!!! " Error said laughing as he left the Party with Fresh.

" How, mature... That's my brother Error and Fresh. Wanna go to NM place. It's a bit far. We can lead you there. " Geno said.

" Yup, when we are there. You will see many tired peps ( people ). We have to save our energy for the so called war. I am Fell, that's Geno. She hosting the sudden party. " Said Fell .

" Gotta admit that the game is like a war. " Said Ink.

" Of course, NM. Like challenging game!!! " Said Blue.

" Heya, I am Dust.We probably the last one. " said Dust.

" Yeah... We better hurry " I said.

" Can some of us, not participate on the game? " Said Lust.

" Of course, if you wanted to be NM victim. " Said Geno.

" .... " Lust said nothing to that.

" The game must be fun. " Said Horror.

" Yeah, waste energy. But fun. " Said Fell.

" Where's Classic? " Said Dalysha.

" He left after the trio left the party. " said Geno.

" Why I not surprise? " said Fell.

" Probably it's normal for the trio always together. " said Geno.

" Kk, hurry up. We dunno what NM gonna do to us. To be late. " said Fell.

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