Another Day Another Tour

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Ashton's P.O.V

"Good morning sleepyhead" Calum says as I feel him shake my body. 

My eye's flash open, darkness still abounding the room, I let out a groan, it's to early for this. 

"What could you possibly want Cal?" I ask as I reach over to check my phone

4:28 am

Why the fuck am I awake right now, can he just piss off.

"Especially at 4 in the morning!" I exclaim, flipping my body over to return to sleep. Pulling the blanket over my head, hiding from him. 

Go back to sleep, ignore him.  
Great the voices have started.

"We have sound-check at noon. Just making sure you're awake and ready by then buddy." He states as he walks away. Leaving my bunk curtain open. I hate touring on the bus. No privacy what so ever. I have no space for myself. I feel suffocated.

He probably went to find something or someone better than you to talk to.

Why did he have to wake me up. I want to stay out of my mind. Sleep does that for me. While I'm sleeping I have no thoughts. Just peacefulness. No worries about anything. I wish I could slip away into the darkness and stay there forever.

Your worthless to them, they could replace you in a moments notice and wouldn't even be sad.

Great the voices have fully ramped up for today. There's no way I can go back to sleep now, they won't quit.

I might as well start my day. Pushing myself off of the Tour-Bus's bunk and making my way to the small bathroom in the back of the bus. If you could even call it a bathroom. It was the size of a postage stamp and not very comfortable for someone my height.

I try to turn the knob to let myself in but it's locked. I bang on this fucking door to see whose in there. I wait for a response but never get one.

Your not even worth the response.

I give up on waiting, I'm to exhausted for this bullshit. I make my way back to my bunk. Only to my surprise Luke is sitting on the floor in front of it. Taking up most of the small hallway. With his headphones in and his eyes close I decide to skip my bunk and head into our make shift living room. I try to past him trying not to disturb him

He wants nothing to do with you.

As I'm walking past him, my foot catches on his. It's to late I feel my body falling forward. Sending myself crashing to the ground. Smacking the side of my body on the ground.

Your a fool. Get it fucking together.

I turn over from the ground. A sharp pain hits me in the ribs, all I can do is lay here, the pain as I draw each breath in and out. I look up to see Luke staring at me.

He's pitying you. Get up. Get up! Don't say anything and just get up. He doesn't care.

Before Luke can say anything about it, embarrassing me further, I rush off of the ground and hurry into the kitchen of the tour bus near the front. I wonder if we have any coffee? I need caffeine to survive. I'm exhausted, I can't focus, it's the one good thing I guess about waking up.

"Looking for something Ashton?" A bright Red haired Michael asks.

"Just some coffee." I response with no emotion.

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