chapter 8

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Hayes' pov

I was carrying Emmy in my arms and running down the sidewalk to try and get away from the guys.

the guys were these trouble-making kids who went to my school. they were always starting something.

since I couldn't take Emmy home because of her dad, I called Nash. Nash said he would be there in 10 min.

I set Emmy down near some bushes and sat her up. I then realized fainted. I whispered in her ear soft words until she woke up.

"H-Hayes?" she asked, confused. she looked around trying to figure out where she was.

"Shh shh, baby. it's okay, you're safe now. I'm right here. I'm right here to protect you." I whispered to her.

we sat there in silence for a few moments as I held Emmy in my arms and rocked her back and forth. she finally spoke.

"Hayes, who was that girl?" she sounded like she was afraid for me to answer.

"Emmy I'm so sorry. she came up to me and started flirting with me. trust me I didn't say anything to her. please forgive me?" I replied.

she just nodded her head as in yes.

"Thank you, Hayes. for saving me." she said.

"Anything for you." I kissed her forehead gently and stroked her hair.

Nash pulled up to the sidewalk and I carried Emmy to the car.

we were sitting in the car when Emmy looked at me, panicked.

"Wait, oh my god. what am I going to say to my dad?" she was really alarmed.

"Umm, say you fell in the mall?" I said.

"Hayes that will never work. I have too many scratches and bruises to just have "fallen." she replied.

"Try to cover them up for a few days, and if your dad asks just say you fell." I said.

we finally arrived at Emmy's house and she hopped out, limping. she climbed up to the window like she usually does.

"Bye Hayes, love you." she whispered.

"Love you more, baby." I replied.

she smiled and vanished inside her room.


Emmy's pov

the next morning was brutal. I was sore all over. I got up at 10:30 and went to my mirror to check my body.

I had bruises on my back and stomach. I had scratches all over my legs and some on my arms. it was a lot worse than I thought. the worst part is I have to cover my body for the next few days to hide from my dad.

I went downstairs with a baggy sweatshirt and saw a note laying on the counter. it read:

Good morning, Emmy. Kelly, Audrey, and I have gone out of town for the rest of the day for something business-related. you can hang around the house and keep me updated if anything is wrong.

Love, Dad.

sweet, I have the whole house for the rest of the day. I decided to text Hayes and see if he wanted to hang out.

to Hayes♡♡: good morning :) want to hang today?

from Hayes♡♡: I'm up for it. movie date?

to Hayes♡♡: yes I'm in need of one. be over at 12:00?

from Hayes♡♡: okay, see you soon.:)

it was 11:00 now. I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I straightened my long, brown hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. I wore sweatpants and a tshirt. I didn't really feel like dressing up.

Hayes arrived at 12:00. he knocked on the door and I have him a hug.

"Hey, babe." he said.

"Hellooo." I replied.

we sat on the couch and took at least 20 minutes trying to decide on a movie.

"Cmon Hayes. we HAVE to watch Frozen." I said.

"I've seen that movie at least 20 times."

"Monsters Inc?" I asked.

"Sure." Hayes replied.

I popped in the movie and Hayes and I started cuddling. he was playing with my hair and kissing the too of my head.

"I love you, you know that?" he said.

"Of course, I love you too."

we got bored watching the movie so we both got up and started jumping on the couches. we got pillows and started a pillow fight.

"Hayes!" I was screeching and laughing at the same time.

Hayes playfully grabbed me at took me to the ground and kissed me. in the middle of the living room with pillows everywhere. we stayed like that for a few seconds and we finally pulled apart.

Hayes laid down next to me and held me. he was whispering sweet things into my ear.

"You're beautiful."

"I'm so lucky to have you."

"I love you."

I soon fell asleep into his chest with a smile on my face and the sound of Hayes' heart beating.

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