Chapter 1: Settling in

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No ones pov

"Are you guys sure about this?" BigHit's manager asked with eye brows lifted.

"Yes, we feel as if something's missing from the band and we feel as if a member would fit perfectly" BTS's leader, RM spoke as the others all nodded their heads.

"Well I can think of someone but please be nice he's been through some rough times..." they all nodded in agreement as the manager called someone in.

"Ummm, you called?" A small boy came through the doors as everyone looked at him.

"Yes, you have a new band to settle in to" the manager plainly said

"......what?....." the boy asked before looking at BTS and finally putting it together.

"ohhhhhhh" he went towards them and smiled as if his life has been perfect.

"its a pleasure to meet you I'm Min Kyung, I'm 20 years old and was born on 1995 December 31st, I'm more of a singer and dancer than a rapper and I really like drawing" he spoke as everyone introduced themselves

"Hi I'm Jin and I'm the oldest"

"I'm your hope, your angel, J-Hope! But people also call me Hobi"

"I'm Suga, my real name is Min Yoongi"

"I'm Jimin!"

"I'm V or Taehyung"

"Hello! I'm jungkook the Golden maknae"

"And I'm the leader RM or Namjoon, it's a pleasure having you on board" he gave a dimpled smile.

"Now you guys run along and get to know each other, I have a lot of paper work to go through, oh and Kyung, we'll pick a stage name for you later on" the manager smiled as everyone left.

Kyung's pov

As Jin was driving us all home I sat by a window and next to Taehyung.

"So Kyung, what do you like to do for fun?" Tae asked

"Well I can play the piano and violin so I like making music, I also like to draw a lot as I mentioned before" I smiled at him

".....your smile is cute!" He suddenly replied

"Wait what? I'm not cute..." I turned my head the other way not looking at him.

"Alright stop the fight and come out we're here!" Jin said as he went out the van, soon followed by everyone else.

Inside the dorm

"So Kyung, where are you from?" Asked Namjoon-hyung

"Oh I was born here in Korea in Busan!" I smiled

"Ah really! Same with me and jiminie-hyung!" Jungkook shouted

"I was born in Busan first!" He retorted as everyone laughed

"How about I just introduce myself again with a lot of detail,

My name is Min Kyung and I like sweets, animals, anime, music, playing instruments, singing, cooking, clean places, drawing, dancing, video games and working out! I don't like a lot of things like Mean people, bitter things, messy places, people being stubborn and getting dirty but I'm fine with sweating.
I was born on December The 31st 1995 in Busan so I'm younger than
V-hyung but older than Jungkookie my favorite color is blue! And....I think that's it but feel free to ask stuff"

"Do you have any siblings?" Jimin-Hyung asked

"I don't think so..."

"What does that mean?"

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