Special Chapter, Solo Career

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Since I can't think of a plot line right now for the main story line I'll make these side chapters so you guys know I'm not dead!
This is not effecting the main storyline and I will NOT make a whole book story based of off one side chapter.

This special chapter will be about in chapter 11 but with a different ending

"Well Kyung how about you give them another chance?" Jin smiled

Kyung's view


"Hahahahaha" I laughed like a maniac

"You guys must be crazy if you think I'll go back to you" I stared at all of them.

"Kyung look, they realized there mistakes can't you give them another chance?" Jin asked with pleading eyes.

" *sigh* I feel sorry for you Jin Hyung, you really didn't do anything to me and you're right they did realize there mistakes but it too late, I made up my mind"

"Kyung please! We weren't thinking straight" RM stepped forward

"No" I stared coldly

"I'm done with this" I pointed at them

                                                   "I'm done with BTS"

I turned and walked to the company, they tried to stop me but I kept going.

At the company

I knocked on PD-Nim's office and heard a faint 'come in'


"Ah, Kyung! It's already quite late why are you here?" He smiled

"I took a lot of time thinking and"


I thought over everything, is this what I really wanted?

"And, I want to leave BTS and start a solo career"

His smile dropped

"Is there a reason?"

"I... haven't been treated the best by the others"

"I can talk to them about it!" He reasoned

"I'm sorry but I made my decision"

" *sigh* very well, it breaks my heart to do this but, Kyung, you are dismissed from BTS"

"Thank you" I bowed

"I'll talk to you tomorrow about your solo career"

"Thank you for understanding"

I walked back to the dorm, for the last time.

And opened the door, everyone was sitting on the couch looking at me as soon as I came in.

"Kyung..." Jin looked at me with sad eyes

Something felt off but I shrugged the feeling away as I walked to my dorm room and start packing my things.

And walked back out to the living room where everyone is still there.

I sighed

"Even if I did forgive you guys, I don't think being in a group is for me..."

"We understand, and we all wish you the best of luck" RM looked at me

"Of course we will see each other in the company building but we won't really be practicing together anymore"


"HOW CAN YOU JUTS LEAVE!" Jungkook yelled at me

"Jungkook stop" Jin stood up

"It's fine" I smiled at him, even if I hate them, they all had and probably still have a place in my heart.


"It meant everything to me"

"Then why are you leaving?" He sniffed

"It's because they mean everything that I have to leave, I'm too scared that we'll have another argument, I cherish you all, you guys made me realize what a family felt like and if we have an argument I don't think I'll be able to stand myself back up"


"That's the first time the first time you called me that" I smiled

A couple years later

"7 and 8, Alright that it, thank you for your hard work" I bowed to the back up dancers.

"Wow this is tiring..." I sighed to myself

"SUPRISE!" All of BTS suddenly came through the doors and I jumped up as I looked at them.

"Guys!" I smiled

"How's it going?" Asked Jimin

"It's okay but very tiring" I laughed

"If you ever need any kind of help feel free to ask us, okay?" Smiled JHope

"Sure" I nodded

Hey guys that it, I know it's very short but I want to keep side chapters a bit shorter that the main story so yup.

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