Chapter 14: why is he back?

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Today we had to film ourselves live, we had our own small cameras and we had a day to do what we want, so yup.

"Hello everyone, as you probably already know, all the members are doing their own live for today, there's 8 of us so thank you to all those who decided to watch my live!" I smiled at the camera.

" 'what are you doing today Kyungie?'" I read a comment, well I might just find some of the other guys or just play around, I don't really know" I replied while wondering through the corridors of the entertainment building.

"Oh, annyohaseyo"

I bowed to all the staff as I see them.

"Oh wait I think someone is in the music room..." I said while peeping through the window and seeing a certain person who has a gummy smile.

I opened the door and went in.

"Annyeon Yoongi Hyung," I smiled while he looked over and also smiled

"Hey kid, what are you doing here" he was sitting by a piano with his camera stated up on the side.

"I got bored and saw you in here" I replied while sitting down by the other piano (lets say this music room has 2 of everything, k?)

"Then do you wanna do a duet?" He asked

"Sure!" I settled up the camera and sat up properly.

(I love Henry Lau, this isn't Important but I see Kyung as white
And Yoongi in Black, continue)

"You are getting better at piano every time" Yoongi looked over at me,

"Like I said before, I have way too much free time on my hands so I tend to learn new things, well I'm going to see if I can find anyone else now, bye hyung!" I picked up my camera

"Cya" he replied and continued playing music

I walked all the way to the studios to find Namjoon hyungs studio lights on, he must be in there.

I knocked twice and waited for a 'come in' and walked inside to see him stirring in his chair doing some music editing on his computer and the camera of to the side.

"Hey Hyung" I smiled

"What's up?" He replied back with a dimpled smile

"Nothing really, just walking around with ARMY, we just went to see Yoongi Hyung"

"Ah well, I'm just showing the ARMYs what I'm doing" he pointed to his computer."

We were listening to the music when it suddenly stopped and the screen flashed red as a message popped up.

'Someone has broke into the entertainment ....please turn off all cameras, light sources and lock the doors'

we didn't say anything and just nodded to each other as we suddenly turned off the camera and I went to lock the door as Namjoon turned off the lights and switched off his computer. We both turned off our phones completely.
We both sat there in silence, both of us probably worried about the others.


Loud noises suddenly appeared followed by heavy footsteps.

"WHERE IS HE!?" A sudden shout.

That voice... he should be in it's impossible

I began to shake violently, when suddenly I was embraced by a warn hug, I looked up and saw hyung giving me a look, telling me it was going to be okay.

"Don't worry PD-Nim is probably calling the police right now and they are on their way, it'll be okay" he whispered


I saw a shadow by the glass door, however the glass wasn't clear therefore you can't see through it. We shuffled into a corner blending into the darkness.

I held my breath

*thump* *thump* *thump*

My heart beat was all I could hear, the shadow was trying to look through the glass.


I was silently crying, as he kept shouting all this stuff.
Namjoon suddenly put his hands over my ears preventing me from hearing anything.

A/N: Everyone RM's leader skills at its finest guys, okay continue

Hours past and we heard the police shouting,

"Everything is fine you can come out now!" We got up, unlocked the doors and went out to see everyone safe.

"Is everyone okay?" PD-Nim asked as we all nodded

"J-Hope! What happened to your arm?" He asked

"Me and Jimin were in the Dance studio when we got the message, we did everything told but the lock in the studio broke and the person tried to get in so I ran and slammed my arm against the door and Jimin ran to help as well, then the police came." He explained

"What's going to happen now?" Taehyung asked

"Well, social media will most likely hear of this, we are goin to have to give an excuse or some kind of explanation, and I think you guys should take a break"

"No!" The whole group shouted

"We'll be fine, focusing more on being a idol will keep us distracted from all this" Jungkook reasoned

"I really don't think this is a good idea, you guys could be exposed to more danger and I can't afford for that to happen, you all like my sons and if something happens, I don't know what I'll do plus you guys don't need anymore stress"

"I think going on programs and TV show will keep us occupied and we won't work on producing for the time being, that way we won't be as stressed" -RM

"....fine" he sighed

"Who broke in anyways?" Yoongi asked

"Well..." PD-Nim didn't know either

"I think I know..." I whispered, nearly audible but everyone looked at me.

"I was father again, I can tell by the voice, I also apologize, because I joined everyone is in constant danger, I'm truly sorry and will accept any punishment" I bowed my head

"A punishment huh?" RM said as I gulped

"How about staying in BTS forever? I think that's a fair punishment, sound good to you guys." He smiled as everyone nodded

I stared at all of their smiles, how did I end up in this group? One that is so kind and caring, it's the family I've always dreamed of.

"Ya! Hyung, you're crying" Kookie teased with a smirk

"Because I realized how lucky I am..." I smiled

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