Chapter 17: Back to China!

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Kyung will be talking in Chinese the moment he gets to China except when he is talking to his manager!

Today I was told I have my own schedule for the next couple of months, to hear this I was both excited and sad, excited cause I was going to China, but sad cause I'm going to be away from my members.

"Are you all packed?" Jin came into mine and Jungkook's room

"Yeah, I think I packed everything I'll need, minus you guys of course" I smiled while holding up a camera, I was recording all this, I don't know if ARMYs will see this but I like to make memories.

"Awwww, we'll miss you too" he hugged me.

"It sure will be boring without you" Jungkook mentions as he helps carry my suitcase to the living room.

"Ah there you are!" Hobi came running at me and we both fell to the ground

"Hyung...I wanna get to China in one piece" I mumbled as he got off me.


"Alright you ready to go?" My manager asked


I hop into the van as the members came along, on the way to the airport we sang a bunch of songs together until time passed and we arrived adt the airport. Many ARMYs were also there holding up signs and screaming.

"Make sure to text or call me when you get there! Oh, and don't sleep with the aircon on too high!" Jin rambled.

"Yeah, yeah I get it, I'll miss you, I'll see you guys in 5 months" I waved

"Bye! Safe travels" they all waved

I looked at them one last time before I head onto the plane, I sat in my seat as my manager sat next to me, I looked at the camera as I waved,

"You seem excited" my manager smiled as I nod my head.

"This is my first time going back to China, I used to go when I was little to see my grandparents, but I stopped going since my parents started fighting, and my grandparents past away" I explained with a sad smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss" He pat my back

"It's fine, I think I've recovered, not completely, cause I don't think I ever will"

"That's understandable, ah, I almost forgot, when we arrive we'll go to the place we're staying at and then you have the free day, so your schedule stats tomorrow"

"That's nice to know" I smiled

When they arrive in China!

As soon as we got of the plane and walked to the lobby of the airport, I hear screaming, and see a bunch of ARMYs with fan signs, written in Chinese.
I waved at them and smiled before catching up with the manager.

We drove to the hotel and left our stuff their, Manager hyung decided to stay at the hotel while I explored a bit.

"Don't go to far!" He shouted as I nodded and headed outside.

I was walking around and found a coffee shop, as I sat down, someone else came and sat on the same table as me, they wore sunglasses and a mask.

"Ummm...I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked in Chinese

"You don't remember me? I'm so hurt!" He gasped

"I mean no disrespect but you are wearing a mask..." I laughed a bit

"Oh..." he took of his glasses and mask, it was Jackson from Got7.

"Oh! I didn't realize you were in China" I apologized

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