Chapter 11: You guys are the Worst...

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Okay so I know this plot seems overused but idrc So you have anything mean to say then keep it to yourself 🙃
This will be a long chapter.

Author's view

Everyone has been stressed for a while.

Jhope creating his own mixtape but also practicing group songs,
RM, and Suga doing the same.
Jimin has been stressed about his voice, no matter how many times we tell him that his voice was beautiful.
Jungkook has been trying to start making songs and having writers block annoyed him.
V had been straining his voice to sing lately as well.
The only people who weren't stressed was Kyung and Jin.

Now in the last chapter Kyung collapsed due to dizziness and overworking, he was told to rest and get some sleep, he did but that doesn't mean he's completely better...

Kyung's view

I was still a little bit dizzy but I couldn't tell the members, they would have me tied to a bed, plus I don't want them to worry.
We all entered the practice room.

A couple hours later

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET THE STEPS RIGHT!?" Hobi hyung screamed at me.

'I'm sorry'


'I didn't mean too'

"WE HAVE BEEN AT THIS FOR HOURS! JUST GET IT RIGHT!" Even Yoongi hyung scolded me

'I'm trying too'

"ARE YOU EVEN TRYING?!" Jimin stared

'I swear I am!"

"This is giving me a head ache" V glared

'I'll try again, please!'

"I knew adding a new member wasn't going to work out..." Jungkook mumbled but everyone could hear.

'They don't mean that! They are my trusted band mates, we're all basically brothers!'

"GUYS!" Jin screamed at them

"HAVE YOU EVEN TRIED TO ASK WHY HE KEEPS FALLING!?" He screamed at everyone but they still looked pissed.

"So now you're taking his side hyung?" Jungkook bitterly asked

"He just got worst at dancing, what else?" Hobi hyung claimed


"Jin hyung please..." everyone stared at me

"It's my fault so let's drop it" I gave a sad smile

It was silent until the door opened,

"You guys can head on home" PD-Nim said and left.

"I'll stay and practice more..." everyone didn't care except Jin.

"Don't over work yourself" Jin said worrying

"Okay" I stared at my reflection in the mirror as everyone left and the door closed.

"Why are you so useless?" I weakly said to my reflection.

I was practicing, and I can hardly breath, but foolishly, I kept practicing and wasn't soon enough that I couldn't breath at all.

I was gasping for what air I could, but soon darkness consumed me.

I soon woke up.

"I'm still alive..." I mumbled " what a shame..." I stood up and checked the time it was around 10 at night and I found a bunch of missed calls all from Jin hyung, well at least someone cared.

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